Displaying similar documents to “Reduction and specialization of polynomials”

On prime values of reducible quadratic polynomials

W. Narkiewicz, T. Pezda (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae


It is shown that Dickson’s Conjecture about primes in linear polynomials implies that if f is a reducible quadratic polynomial with integral coefficients and non-zero discriminant then for every r there exists an integer N r such that the polynomial f ( X ) / N r represents at least r distinct primes.

A class of irreducible polynomials

Joshua Harrington, Lenny Jones (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let f ( x ) = x + k n - 1 x n - 1 + k n - 2 x n - 2 + + k x + k [ x ] , where 3 k n - 1 k n - 2 k k 2 k n - 1 - 3 . We show that f(x) and f(x²) are irreducible over ℚ. Moreover, the upper bound of 2 k n - 1 - 3 on the coefficients of f(x) is the best possible in this situation.

Sparsity of the intersection of polynomial images of an interval

Mei-Chu Chang (2014)

Acta Arithmetica


We show that the intersection of the images of two polynomial maps on a given interval is sparse. More precisely, we prove the following. Let f ( x ) , g ( x ) p [ x ] be polynomials of degrees d and e with d ≥ e ≥ 2. Suppose M ∈ ℤ satisfies p 1 / E ( 1 + κ / ( 1 - κ ) > M > p ε , where E = e(e+1)/2 and κ = (1/d - 1/d²) (E-1)/E + ε. Assume f(x)-g(y) is absolutely irreducible. Then | f ( [ 0 , M ] ) g ( [ 0 , M ] ) | M 1 - ε .

On realizability of sign patterns by real polynomials

Vladimir Kostov (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The classical Descartes’ rule of signs limits the number of positive roots of a real polynomial in one variable by the number of sign changes in the sequence of its coefficients. One can ask the question which pairs of nonnegative integers ( p , n ) , chosen in accordance with this rule and with some other natural conditions, can be the pairs of numbers of positive and negative roots of a real polynomial with prescribed signs of the coefficients. The paper solves this problem for degree 8 polynomials. ...

The algebra of polynomials on the space of ultradifferentiable functions

Katarzyna Grasela (2010)

Banach Center Publications


We consider the space of ultradifferentiable functions with compact supports and the space of polynomials on . A description of the space ( ) of polynomial ultradistributions as a locally convex direct sum is given.

Nonreciprocal algebraic numbers of small Mahler's measure

Artūras Dubickas, Jonas Jankauskas (2013)

Acta Arithmetica


We prove that there exist at least cd⁵ monic irreducible nonreciprocal polynomials with integer coefficients of degree at most d whose Mahler measures are smaller than 2, where c is some absolute positive constant. These polynomials are constructed as nonreciprocal divisors of some Newman hexanomials 1 + x r + + x r , where the integers 1 ≤ r₁ < ⋯ < r₅ ≤ d satisfy some restrictions including 2 r j < r j + 1 for j = 1,2,3,4. This result improves the previous lower bound cd³ and seems to be closer to the correct...

The factorization of f ( x ) x n + g ( x ) with f ( x ) monic and of degree 2 .

Joshua Harrington, Andrew Vincent, Daniel White (2013)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


In this paper we investigate the factorization of the polynomials f ( x ) x n + g ( x ) [ x ] in the special case where f ( x ) is a monic quadratic polynomial with negative discriminant. We also mention similar results in the case that f ( x ) is monic and linear.

Sum of squares and the Łojasiewicz exponent at infinity

Krzysztof Kurdyka, Beata Osińska-Ulrych, Grzegorz Skalski, Stanisław Spodzieja (2014)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let V ⊂ ℝⁿ, n ≥ 2, be an unbounded algebraic set defined by a system of polynomial equations h ( x ) = = h r ( x ) = 0 and let f: ℝⁿ→ ℝ be a polynomial. It is known that if f is positive on V then f | V extends to a positive polynomial on the ambient space ℝⁿ, provided V is a variety. We give a constructive proof of this fact for an arbitrary algebraic set V. Precisely, if f is positive on V then there exists a polynomial h ( x ) = i = 1 r h ² i ( x ) σ i ( x ) , where σ i are sums of squares of polynomials of degree at most p, such that f(x) + h(x) >...

Symmetric identity for polynomial sequences satisfying A n + 1 ' ( x ) = ( n + 1 ) A n ( x )

Farid Bencherif, Rachid Boumahdi, Tarek Garici (2021)

Communications in Mathematics


Using umbral calculus, we establish a symmetric identity for any sequence of polynomials satisfying A n + 1 ' ( x ) = ( n + 1 ) A n ( x ) with A 0 ( x ) a constant polynomial. This identity allows us to obtain in a simple way some known relations involving Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials, ApostolEuler polynomials and generalized Bernoulli polynomials attached to a primitive Dirichlet character.

Rational solutions of certain Diophantine equations involving norms

Maciej Ulas (2014)

Acta Arithmetica


We present some results concerning the unirationality of the algebraic variety f given by the equation N K / k ( X + α X + α ² X ) = f ( t ) , where k is a number field, K=k(α), α is a root of an irreducible polynomial h(x) = x³ + ax + b ∈ k[x] and f ∈ k[t]. We are mainly interested in the case of pure cubic extensions, i.e. a = 0 and b ∈ k∖k³. We prove that if deg f = 4 and f contains a k-rational point (x₀,y₀,z₀,t₀) with f(t₀)≠0, then f is k-unirational. A similar result is proved for a broad family of quintic polynomials...

Explicit bounds for the Łojasiewicz exponent in the gradient inequality for polynomials

Didier D&amp;#039;Acunto, Krzysztof Kurdyka (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let f: ℝⁿ → ℝ be a polynomial function of degree d with f(0) = 0 and ∇f(0) = 0. Łojasiewicz’s gradient inequality states that there exist C > 0 and ϱ ∈ (0,1) such that | f | C | f | ϱ in a neighbourhood of the origin. We prove that the smallest such exponent ϱ is not greater than 1 - R ( n , d ) - 1 with R ( n , d ) = d ( 3 d - 3 ) n - 1 .

On the irreducible factors of a polynomial over a valued field

Anuj Jakhar (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We explicitly provide numbers d , e such that each irreducible factor of a polynomial f ( x ) with integer coefficients has a degree greater than or equal to d and f ( x ) can have at most e irreducible factors over the field of rational numbers. Moreover, we prove our result in a more general setup for polynomials with coefficients from the valuation ring of an arbitrary valued field.

A generalisation of Amitsur's A-polynomials

Adam Owen, Susanne Pumplün (2021)

Communications in Mathematics


We find examples of polynomials f D [ t ; σ , δ ] whose eigenring ( f ) is a central simple algebra over the field F = C Fix ( σ ) Const ( δ ) .

Recurrences for the coefficients of series expansions with respect to classical orthogonal polynomials

Stanislaw Lewanowicz (2002)

Applicationes Mathematicae


Let P k be any sequence of classical orthogonal polynomials. Further, let f be a function satisfying a linear differential equation with polynomial coefficients. We give an algorithm to construct, in a compact form, a recurrence relation satisfied by the coefficients a k in f = k a k P k . A systematic use of the basic properties (including some nonstandard ones) of the polynomials P k results in obtaining a low order of the recurrence.

Approximation by weighted polynomials in k

Maritza M. Branker (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We apply pluripotential theory to establish results in k concerning uniform approximation by functions of the form wⁿPₙ where w denotes a continuous nonnegative function and Pₙ is a polynomial of degree at most n. Then we use our work to show that on the intersection of compact sections Σ k a continuous function on Σ is uniformly approximable by θ-incomplete polynomials (for a fixed θ, 0 < θ < 1) iff f vanishes on θ²Σ. The class of sets Σ expressible as the intersection of compact...

A characterization of Eisenstein polynomials generating extensions of degree p 2 and cyclic of degree p 3 over an unramified 𝔭 -adic field

Maurizio Monge (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Let p 2 be a prime. We derive a technique based on local class field theory and on the expansions of certain resultants allowing to recover very easily Lbekkouri’s characterization of Eisenstein polynomials generating cyclic wild extensions of degree p 2 over p , and extend it to when the base fields K is an unramified extension of p . When a polynomial satisfies a subset of such conditions the first unsatisfied condition characterizes the Galois group of the normal closure. We...

Preperiodic dynatomic curves for z z d + c

Yan Gao (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The preperiodic dynatomic curve n , p is the closure in ℂ² of the set of (c,z) such that z is a preperiodic point of the polynomial z z d + c with preperiod n and period p (n,p ≥ 1). We prove that each n , p has exactly d-1 irreducible components, which are all smooth and have pairwise transverse intersections at the singular points of n , p . We also compute the genus of each component and the Galois group of the defining polynomial of n , p .

Every compact set in 𝐂 n is a good compact set

Jan Erik Björk (1970)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


Let K be an compact subset of an open set V in C n . We show the existence of an open neighborhood U of K satisfying the following condition : if f is holomorphic in V and if there exists a sequence of polynomials which approximate f uniformly in some open neighborhood U f of K , there exists a sequence of polynomial which approximate f uniformly in U .

Discrepancy estimates for some linear generalized monomials

Roswitha Hofer, Olivier Ramaré (2016)

Acta Arithmetica


We consider sequences modulo one that are generated using a generalized polynomial over the real numbers. Such polynomials may also involve the integer part operation [·] additionally to addition and multiplication. A well studied example is the (nα) sequence defined by the monomial αx. Their most basic sister, ( [ n α ] β ) n 0 , is less investigated. So far only the uniform distribution modulo one of these sequences is resolved. Completely new, however, are the discrepancy results proved in this paper....

Heights of squares of Littlewood polynomials and infinite series

Artūras Dubickas (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let P be a unimodular polynomial of degree d-1. Then the height H(P²) of its square is at least √(d/2) and the product L(P²)H(P²), where L denotes the length of a polynomial, is at least d². We show that for any ε > 0 and any d ≥ d(ε) there exists a polynomial P with ±1 coefficients of degree d-1 such that H(P²) < (2+ε)√(dlogd) and L(P²)H(P²)< (16/3+ε)d²log d. A similar result is obtained for the series with ±1 coefficients. Let A m be the mth coefficient of the square f(x)² of...