Displaying similar documents to “A compact Hausdorff topology that is a T₁-complement of itself”

The (dis)connectedness of products of Hausdorff spaces in the box topology

Vitalij A. Chatyrko (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In this paper the following two propositions are proved: (a) If X α , α A , is an infinite system of connected spaces such that infinitely many of them are nondegenerated completely Hausdorff topological spaces then the box product α A X α can be decomposed into continuum many disjoint nonempty open subsets, in particular, it is disconnected. (b) If X α , α A , is an infinite system of Brown Hausdorff topological spaces then the box product α A X α is also Brown Hausdorff, and hence, it is connected. A space...

A countably cellular topological group all of whose countable subsets are closed need not be -factorizable

Mihail G. Tkachenko (2023)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We construct a Hausdorff topological group G such that 1 is a precalibre of G (hence, G has countable cellularity), all countable subsets of G are closed and C -embedded in G , but G is not -factorizable. This solves Problem 8.6.3 from the book “Topological Groups and Related Structures" (2008) in the negative.

More reflections on compactness

Lúcia R. Junqueira, Franklin D. Tall (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We consider the question of when X M = X , where X M is the elementary submodel topology on X ∩ M, especially in the case when X M is compact.

Connectedness of some rings of quotients of C ( X ) with the m -topology

F. Azarpanah, M. Paimann, A. R. Salehi (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In this article we define the m -topology on some rings of quotients of C ( X ) . Using this, we equip the classical ring of quotients q ( X ) of C ( X ) with the m -topology and we show that C ( X ) with the r -topology is in fact a subspace of q ( X ) with the m -topology. Characterization of the components of rings of quotients of C ( X ) is given and using this, it turns out that q ( X ) with the m -topology is connected if and only if X is a pseudocompact almost P -space, if and only if C ( X ) with r -topology is connected. We also...

A hit-and-miss topology for 2 X , Cₙ(X) and Fₙ(X)

Benjamín Espinoza, Verónica Martínez-de-la-Vega, Jorge M. Martínez-Montejano (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae


A hit-and-miss topology ( τ H M ) is defined for the hyperspaces 2 X , Cₙ(X) and Fₙ(X) of a continuum X. We study the relationship between τ H M and the Vietoris topology and we find conditions on X for which these topologies are equivalent.

The common division topology on

José del Carmen Alberto-Domínguez, Gerardo Acosta, Maira Madriz-Mendoza (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


A topological space X is totally Brown if for each n { 1 } and every nonempty open subsets U 1 , U 2 , ... , U n of X we have cl X ( U 1 ) cl X ( U 2 ) cl X ( U n ) . Totally Brown spaces are connected. In this paper we consider a topology τ S on the set of natural numbers. We then present properties of the topological space ( , τ S ) , some of them involve the closure of a set with respect to this topology, while others describe subsets which are either totally Brown or totally separated. Our theorems generalize results proved by P. Szczuka in 2013, 2014,...

Infinite Iterated Function Systems Depending on a Parameter

Ludwik Jaksztas (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


This paper is motivated by the problem of dependence of the Hausdorff dimension of the Julia-Lavaurs sets J 0 , σ for the map f₀(z) = z²+1/4 on the parameter σ. Using homographies, we imitate the construction of the iterated function system (IFS) whose limit set is a subset of J 0 , σ , given by Urbański and Zinsmeister. The closure of the limit set of our IFS ϕ σ , α n , k is the closure of some family of circles, and if the parameter σ varies, then the behavior of the limit set is similar to the behavior of...

Order intervals in C ( K ) . Compactness, coincidence of topologies, metrizability

Zbigniew Lipecki (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let K be a compact space and let C ( K ) be the Banach lattice of real-valued continuous functions on K . We establish eleven conditions equivalent to the strong compactness of the order interval [ 0 , x ] in C ( K ) , including the following ones: (i) { x > 0 } consists of isolated points of K ; (ii) [ 0 , x ] is pointwise compact; (iii) [ 0 , x ] is weakly compact; (iv) the strong topology and that of pointwise convergence coincide on [ 0 , x ] ; (v) the strong and weak topologies coincide on [ 0 , x ] . Moreover, the weak topology and that of pointwise...

Topological properties of some spaces of continuous operators

Marian Nowak (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization


Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff space, E and F be Banach spaces. Let C b ( X , E ) be the space of all E-valued bounded continuous functions on X, equipped with the strict topology β. We study topological properties of the space L β ( C b ( X , E ) , F ) of all ( β , | | · | | F ) -continuous linear operators from C b ( X , E ) to F, equipped with the topology τ s of simple convergence. If X is a locally compact paracompact space (resp. a P-space), we characterize τ s -compact subsets of L β ( C b ( X , E ) , F ) in terms of properties of the corresponding sets of the representing...

On the continuity of the Hausdorff dimension of the Julia-Lavaurs sets

Ludwik Jaksztas (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let f₀(z) = z²+1/4. We denote by ₀ the set of parameters σ ∈ ℂ for which the critical point 0 escapes from the filled-in Julia set K(f₀) in one step by the Lavaurs map g σ . We prove that if σ₀ ∈ ∂₀, then the Hausdorff dimension of the Julia-Lavaurs set J 0 , σ is continuous at σ₀ as the function of the parameter σ ¯ if and only if H D ( J 0 , σ ) 4 / 3 . Since H D ( J 0 , σ ) > 4 / 3 on a dense set of parameters which correspond to preparabolic points, the lower semicontinuity implies the continuity of H D ( J 0 , σ ) on an open and dense subset of...

An irrational problem

Franklin D. Tall (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Given a topological space ⟨X,⟩ ∈ M, an elementary submodel of set theory, we define X M to be X ∩ M with topology generated by U M : U M . Suppose X M is homeomorphic to the irrationals; must X = X M ? We have partial results. We also answer a question of Gruenhage by showing that if X M is homeomorphic to the “Long Cantor Set”, then X = X M .

The Golomb space is topologically rigid

Taras O. Banakh, Dario Spirito, Sławomir Turek (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


The Golomb space τ is the set of positive integers endowed with the topology τ generated by the base consisting of arithmetic progressions { a + b n : n 0 } with coprime a , b . We prove that the Golomb space τ is topologically rigid in the sense that its homeomorphism group is trivial. This resolves a problem posed by T. Banakh at Mathoverflow in 2017.

Totally Brown subsets of the Golomb space and the Kirch space

José del Carmen Alberto-Domínguez, Gerardo Acosta, Gerardo Delgadillo-Piñón (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


A topological space X is totally Brown if for each n { 1 } and every nonempty open subsets U 1 , U 2 , ... , U n of X we have cl X ( U 1 ) cl X ( U 2 ) cl X ( U n ) . Totally Brown spaces are connected. In this paper we consider the Golomb topology τ G on the set of natural numbers, as well as the Kirch topology τ K on . Then we examine subsets of these spaces which are totally Brown. Among other results, we characterize the arithmetic progressions which are either totally Brown or totally separated in ( , τ G ) . We also show that ( , τ G ) and ( , τ K ) are aposyndetic....

On the Hausdorff Dimension of Topological Subspaces

Tomasz Szarek, Maciej Ślęczka (2006)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


It is shown that every Polish space X with d i m T X d admits a compact subspace Y such that d i m H Y d where d i m T and d i m H denote the topological and Hausdorff dimensions, respectively.

A new Lindelöf space with points G δ

Alan S. Dow (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We prove that * implies there is a zero-dimensional Hausdorff Lindelöf space of cardinality 2 1 which has points G δ . In addition, this space has the property that it need not be Lindelöf after countably closed forcing.

Interaction between cellularity of Alexandroff spaces and entropy of generalized shift maps

Fatemah Ayatollah Zadeh Shirazi, Sahar Karimzadeh Dolatabad, Sara Shamloo (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In the following text for a discrete finite nonempty set K and a self-map ϕ : X X we investigate interaction between different entropies of generalized shift σ ϕ : K X K X , ( x α ) α X ( x ϕ ( α ) ) α X and cellularities of some Alexandroff topologies on X .

Homeomorphism groups of Sierpiński carpets and Erdős space

Jan J. Dijkstra, Dave Visser (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Erdős space is the “rational” Hilbert space, that is, the set of vectors in ℓ² with all coordinates rational. Erdős proved that is one-dimensional and homeomorphic to its own square × , which makes it an important example in dimension theory. Dijkstra and van Mill found topological characterizations of . Let M n + 1 , n ∈ ℕ, be the n-dimensional Menger continuum in n + 1 , also known as the n-dimensional Sierpiński carpet, and let D be a countable dense subset of M n + 1 . We consider the topological group...

Cardinal invariants for κ-box products: weight, density character and Suslin number

W. W. Comfort, Ivan S. Gotchev


The symbol ( X I ) κ (with κ ≥ ω) denotes the space X I : = i I X i with the κ-box topology; this has as base all sets of the form U = i I U i with U i open in X i and with | i I : U i X i | < κ . The symbols w, d and S denote respectively the weight, density character and Suslin number. Generalizing familiar classical results, the authors show inter alia: Theorem 3.1.10(b). If κ ≤ α⁺, |I| = α and each X i contains the discrete space 0,1 and satisfies w ( X i ) α , then w ( X κ ) = α < κ . Theorem 4.3.2. If ω κ | I | 2 α and X = ( D ( α ) ) I with D(α) discrete, |D(α)| = α, then d ( ( X I ) κ ) = α < κ . Corollaries 5.2.32(a)...

The Ascoli property for function spaces and the weak topology of Banach and Fréchet spaces

S. Gabriyelyan, J. Kąkol, G. Plebanek (2016)

Studia Mathematica


Following Banakh and Gabriyelyan (2016) we say that a Tychonoff space X is an Ascoli space if every compact subset of C k ( X ) is evenly continuous; this notion is closely related to the classical Ascoli theorem. Every k -space, hence any k-space, is Ascoli. Let X be a metrizable space. We prove that the space C k ( X ) is Ascoli iff C k ( X ) is a k -space iff X is locally compact. Moreover, C k ( X ) endowed with the weak topology is Ascoli iff X is countable and discrete. Using some basic concepts from probability...

On the continuity of Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets and similarity between the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets

Juan Rivera-Letelier (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Given d ≥ 2 consider the family of polynomials P c ( z ) = z d + c for c ∈ ℂ. Denote by J c the Julia set of P c and let d = c | J c i s c o n n e c t e d be the connectedness locus; for d = 2 it is called the Mandelbrot set. We study semihyperbolic parameters c d : those for which the critical point 0 is not recurrent by P c and without parabolic cycles. The Hausdorff dimension of J c , denoted by H D ( J c ) , does not depend continuously on c at such c d ; on the other hand the function c H D ( J c ) is analytic in - d . Our first result asserts that there is still some...