Displaying similar documents to “Orbits under a class of isometries of L¹[0,1]”

More classes of non-orbit-transitive operators

Carl Pearcy, Lidia Smith (2010)

Studia Mathematica


In [JKP] and its sequel [FPS] the authors initiated a program whose (announced) goal is to eventually show that no operator in ℒ(ℋ) is orbit-transitive. In [JKP] it is shown, for example, that if T ∈ ℒ(ℋ) and the essential (Calkin) norm of T is equal to its essential spectral radius, then no compact perturbation of T is orbit-transitive, and in [FPS] this result is extended to say that no element of this same class of operators is weakly orbit-transitive. In the present note we show...

A map maintaining the orbits of a given d -action

Bartosz Frej, Agata Kwaśnicka (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Giordano et al. (2010) showed that every minimal free d -action of a Cantor space X is orbit equivalent to some ℤ-action. Trying to avoid the K-theory used there and modifying Forrest’s (2000) construction of a Bratteli diagram, we show how to define a (one-dimensional) continuous and injective map F on X∖one point such that for a residual subset of X the orbits of F are the same as the orbits of a given minimal free d -action.

Operators with hypercyclic Cesaro means

Fernando León-Saavedra (2002)

Studia Mathematica


An operator T on a Banach space ℬ is said to be hypercyclic if there exists a vector x such that the orbit T x n 1 is dense in ℬ. Hypercyclicity is a strong kind of cyclicity which requires that the linear span of the orbit is dense in ℬ. If the arithmetic means of the orbit of x are dense in ℬ then the operator T is said to be Cesàro-hypercyclic. Apparently Cesàro-hypercyclicity is a strong version of hypercyclicity. We prove that an operator is Cesàro-hypercyclic if and only if there exists...

The Hypercyclicity Criterion for sequences of operators

L. Bernal-González, K.-G. Grosse-Erdmann (2003)

Studia Mathematica


We show that under no hypotheses on the density of the ranges of the mappings involved, an almost-commuting sequence (Tₙ) of operators on an F-space X satisfies the Hypercyclicity Criterion if and only if it has a hereditarily hypercyclic subsequence ( T n k ) , and if and only if the sequence (Tₙ ⊕ Tₙ) is hypercyclic on X × X. This strengthens and extends a recent result due to Bès and Peris. We also find a new characterization of the Hypercyclicity Criterion in terms of a condition introduced...

A triple ratio on the Silov boundary of a bounded symmetric domain

Jean-Louis Clerc (2002)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


Let D be a Hermitian symmetric space of tube type, S its Silov boundary and G the neutral component of the group of bi-holomorphic diffeomorphisms of D . Our main interest is in studying the action of G on S 3 = S × S × S . Sections 1 and 2 are part of a joint work with B. Ørsted (see [4]). In Section 1, as a pedagogical introduction, we study the case where D is the unit disc and S is the circle. This is a fairly elementary and explicit case, where one can easily get a flavour of the more general results....

On a deformed version of the two-disk dynamo system

Cristian Lăzureanu, Camelia Petrişor, Ciprian Hedrea (2021)

Applications of Mathematics


We give some deformations of the Rikitake two-disk dynamo system. Particularly, we consider an integrable deformation of an integrable version of the Rikitake system. The deformed system is a three-dimensional Hamilton-Poisson system. We present two Lie-Poisson structures and also symplectic realizations. Furthermore, we give a prequantization result of one of the Poisson manifold. We study the stability of the equilibrium states and we prove the existence of periodic orbits. We analyze...

Diagonal points having dense orbit

T. K. Subrahmonian Moothathu (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let f: X→ X be a topologically transitive continuous map of a compact metric space X. We investigate whether f can have the following stronger properties: (i) for each m ∈ ℕ, f × f ² × × f m : X m X m is transitive, (ii) for each m ∈ ℕ, there exists x ∈ X such that the diagonal m-tuple (x,x,...,x) has a dense orbit in X m under the action of f × f ² × × f m . We show that (i), (ii) and weak mixing are equivalent for minimal homeomorphisms, that all mixing interval maps satisfy (ii), and that there are mixing subshifts not satisfying...

Naive boundary strata and nilpotent orbits

Matt Kerr, Gregory Pearlstein (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We give a Hodge-theoretic parametrization of certain real Lie group orbits in the compact dual of a Mumford-Tate domain, and characterize the orbits which contain a naive limit Hodge filtration. A series of examples are worked out for the groups S U ( 2 , 1 ) , S p 4 , and G 2 .

Association schemes and MacWilliams dualities for generalized Niederreiter-Rosenbloom-Tsfasman posets

Dae San Kim, Hyun Kwang Kim


Let P be a poset on the set [m]×[n], which is given as the disjoint sum of posets on ’columns’ of [m]×[n], and let P̌ be the dual poset of P. Then P is called a generalized Niederreiter-Rosenbloom-Tsfasman poset (gNRTp) if all further posets on columns are weak order posets of the ’same type’. Let G (resp. Ǧ) be the group of all linear automorphisms of the space q m × n preserving the P-weight (resp. P̌-weight). We define two partitions of q m × n , one consisting of ’P-orbits’ and the other of...

Somewhere dense Cesàro orbits and rotations of Cesàro hypercyclic operators

George Costakis, Demetris Hadjiloucas (2006)

Studia Mathematica


Let T be a continuous linear operator acting on a Banach space X. We examine whether certain fundamental results for hypercyclic operators are still valid in the Cesàro hypercyclicity setting. In particular, in connection with the somewhere dense orbit theorem of Bourdon and Feldman, we show that if for some vector x ∈ X the set Tx,T²/2 x,T³/3 x, ... is somewhere dense then for every 0 < ε < 1 the set (0,ε)Tx,T²/2 x,T³/3 x,... is dense in X. Inspired by a result of Feldman, we...

Finite orbit decomposition of real flag manifolds

Bernhard Krötz, Henrik Schlichtkrull (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let G be a connected real semi-simple Lie group and H a closed connected subgroup. Let P be a minimal parabolic subgroup of G . It is shown that H has an open orbit on the flag manifold G / P if and only if it has finitely many orbits on G / P . This confirms a conjecture by T. Matsuki.

Topological friction in aperiodic minimal m -actions

Jarosław Kwapisz (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


For a continuous map f preserving orbits of an aperiodic m -action on a compact space, its displacement function assigns to x the “time” t m it takes to move x to f(x). We show that this function is continuous if the action is minimal. In particular, f is homotopic to the identity along the orbits of the action.

Regularity of domains of parameterized families of closed linear operators

Teresa Winiarska, Tadeusz Winiarski (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


The purpose of this paper is to provide a method of reduction of some problems concerning families A t = ( A ( t ) ) t of linear operators with domains ( t ) t to a problem in which all the operators have the same domain . To do it we propose to construct a family ( Ψ t ) t of automorphisms of a given Banach space X having two properties: (i) the mapping t Ψ t is sufficiently regular and (ii) Ψ t ( ) = t for t ∈ . Three effective constructions are presented: for elliptic operators of second order with the Robin boundary condition...

Sequences of differential operators: exponentials, hypercyclicity and equicontinuity

L. Bernal-González, J. A. Prado-Tendero (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


An eigenvalue criterion for hypercyclicity due to the first author is improved. As a consequence, some new sufficient conditions for a sequence of infinite order linear differential operators to be hypercyclic on the space of holomorphic functions on certain domains of N are shown. Moreover, several necessary conditions are furnished. The equicontinuity of a family of operators as above is also studied, and it is characterized if the domain is N . The results obtained extend or improve...

Multiple summing operators on l p spaces

Dumitru Popa (2014)

Studia Mathematica


We use the Maurey-Rosenthal factorization theorem to obtain a new characterization of multiple 2-summing operators on a product of l p spaces. This characterization is used to show that multiple s-summing operators on a product of l p spaces with values in a Hilbert space are characterized by the boundedness of a natural multilinear functional (1 ≤ s ≤ 2). We use these results to show that there exist many natural multiple s-summing operators T : l 4 / 3 × l 4 / 3 l such that none of the associated linear operators...

Homogenization of codimension 1 actions of n near a compact orbit

Marcos Craizer (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


Let Φ be a C n -action on an orientable ( n + 1 ) -dimensional manifold. Assume Φ has an isolated compact orbit T and let W be a small tubular neighborhood of it. By a C change of variables, we can write W = n / n × I and T = 𝕋 n × [ 0 ] , where I is some interval containing 0. In this work, we show that by a C 0 change of variables, C outside T , we can make Φ | W invariant by transformations of the type ( x , z ) ( x + a , z ) , a n , where x n / n and z I . As a corollary one cas describe completely the dynamics of Φ in W .

Non-orbit equivalent actions of 𝔽 n

Adrian Ioana (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


For any 2 n , we construct a concrete 1-parameter family of non-orbit equivalent actions of the free group 𝔽 n . These actions arise as diagonal products between a generalized Bernoulli action and the action 𝔽 n ( 𝕋 2 , λ 2 ) , where 𝔽 n is seen as a subgroup of SL 2 ( ) .

Isomorphic properties in spaces of compact operators

Ioana Ghenciu (2023)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We introduce the definition of p -limited completely continuous operators, 1 p < . The question of whether a space of operators has the property that every p -limited subset is relative compact when the dual of the domain and the codomain have this property is studied using p -limited completely continuous evaluation operators.

The Embeddability of c₀ in Spaces of Operators

Ioana Ghenciu, Paul Lewis (2008)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


Results of Emmanuele and Drewnowski are used to study the containment of c₀ in the space K w * ( X * , Y ) , as well as the complementation of the space K w * ( X * , Y ) of w*-w compact operators in the space L w * ( X * , Y ) of w*-w operators from X* to Y.

Absolutely continuous linear operators on Köthe-Bochner spaces


Banach Center Publications


Let E be a Banach function space over a finite and atomless measure space (Ω,Σ,μ) and let ( X , | | · | | X ) and ( Y , | | · | | Y ) be real Banach spaces. A linear operator T acting from the Köthe-Bochner space E(X) to Y is said to be absolutely continuous if | | T ( 1 A f ) | | Y 0 whenever μ(Aₙ) → 0, (Aₙ) ⊂ Σ. In this paper we examine absolutely continuous operators from E(X) to Y. Moreover, we establish relationships between different classes of linear operators from E(X) to Y.

On hyponormal operators in Krein spaces

Kevin Esmeral, Osmin Ferrer, Jorge Jalk, Boris Lora Castro (2019)

Archivum Mathematicum


In this paper the hyponormal operators on Krein spaces are introduced. We state conditions for the hyponormality of bounded operators focusing, in particular, on those operators T for which there exists a fundamental decomposition 𝕂 = 𝕂 + 𝕂 - of the Krein space 𝕂 with 𝕂 + and 𝕂 - invariant under T .