The weak type inequality for the Walsh system
Ushangi Goginava (2008)
Studia Mathematica
The main aim of this paper is to prove that the maximal operator is bounded from the Hardy space to weak- and is not bounded from to .
Ushangi Goginava (2008)
Studia Mathematica
The main aim of this paper is to prove that the maximal operator is bounded from the Hardy space to weak- and is not bounded from to .
Fabio Berra (2022)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We give a quantitative characterization of the pairs of weights for which the dyadic version of the one-sided Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator satisfies a restricted weak type inequality for . More precisely, given any measurable set , the estimate holds if and only if the pair belongs to , that is, for every dyadic cube and every measurable set . The proof follows some ideas appearing in S. Ombrosi (2005). We also obtain a similar quantitative characterization for the...
Rahul Kumar (2024)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
The notion of maximal non-pseudovaluation subring of an integral domain is introduced and studied. Let be an extension of domains. Then is called a maximal non-pseudovaluation subring of if is not a pseudovaluation subring of , and for any ring such that , is a pseudovaluation subring of . We show that if is not local, then there no such exists between and . We also characterize maximal non-pseudovaluation subrings of a local integral domain.
Rahul Kumar, Atul Gaur (2020)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Let be a commutative ring with unity. The notion of maximal non -subrings is introduced and studied. A ring is called a maximal non -subring of a ring if is not a -extension, and for any ring such that , is a -extension. We show that a maximal non -subring of a field has at most two maximal ideals, and exactly two if is integrally closed in the given field. A determination of when the classical construction is a maximal non -domain is given. A necessary condition...
Paul Alton Hagelstein (2001)
Studia Mathematica
Let denote the strong maximal operator. Let and denote the one-dimensional Hardy-Littlewood maximal operators in the horizontal and vertical directions in ℝ². A function h supported on the unit square Q = [0,1]×[0,1] is exhibited such that but . It is shown that if f is a function supported on Q such that but , then there exists a set A of finite measure in ℝ² such that .
L. de Rosa, C. Segovia (2006)
Studia Mathematica
We study the boundedness of the one-sided operator between the weighted spaces and for every weight w. If λ = 2/p whenever 1 < p < 2, and in the case p = 1 for λ > 2, we prove the weak type of . For every λ > 1 and p = 2, or λ > 2/p and 1 < p < 2, the boundedness of this operator is obtained. For p > 2 and λ > 1, we obtain the boundedness of from to , where denotes the operator M¯ iterated k times.
Sergei Logunov (2022)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Let be the Tychonoff product of -many Tychonoff non-single point spaces . Let be a point in the closure of some whose weak Lindelöf number is strictly less than the cofinality of . Then we show that is not normal. Under some additional assumptions, is a butterfly-point in . In particular, this is true if either or and is infinite and not countably cofinal.
Salvador García-Ferreira, Y. F. Ortiz-Castillo (2015)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Let be the subspace of consisting of all weak -points. It is not hard to see that is a pseudocompact space. In this paper we shall prove that this space has stronger pseudocompact properties. Indeed, it is shown that is a -pseudocompact space for all .
Moshe Marcus, Laurent Véron (2004)
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
Let be a bounded domain of class in N and let be a compact subset of . Assume that and denote by the maximal solution of in which vanishes on . We obtain sharp upper and lower estimates for in terms of the Bessel capacity and prove that is -moderate. In addition we describe the precise asymptotic behavior of at points , which depends on the “density” of at , measured in terms of the capacity .
Mehdi Aaghabali, Mai Hoang Bien (2019)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Let be a division ring finite dimensional over its center . The goal of this paper is to prove that for any positive integer there exists the th multiplicative derived subgroup such that is a maximal subfield of . We also show that a single depth- iterated additive commutator would generate a maximal subfield of
G. A. Karagulyan (2007)
Studia Mathematica
Let be the family of open rectangles in the plane ℝ² with a side of angle s to the x-axis. We say that a set S of directions is an R-set if there exists a function f ∈ L¹(ℝ²) such that the basis differentiates the integral of f if s ∉ S, and almost everywhere if s ∈ S. If the condition holds on a set of positive measure (instead of a.e.) we say that S is a WR-set. It is proved that S is an R-set (resp. a WR-set) if and only if it is a (resp. a ).
Daniel Bernal-Santos (2016)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
A space is said to have the Rothberger property (or simply is Rothberger) if for every sequence of open covers of , there exists for each such that . For any , necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for to have the Rothberger property when is a Mrówka mad family and, assuming CH (the Continuum Hypothesis), we prove the existence of a maximal almost disjoint family for which the space is Rothberger for all .
Boumediene Abdellaoui, Eduardo Colorado, Ireneo Peral (2004)
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
In this work we study the problem in , in , on , in , is a bounded regular domain such that , , , , and are positive functions such that and . The main points under analysis are: (i) spectral instantaneous and complete blow-up related to the Harnack inequality in the case , ; (ii) the nonexistence of solutions if , ; (iii) a uniqueness result for weak solutions (in the distribution sense); (iv) further results on existence of weak solutions...
Paul Hagelstein, Alexander Stokolos (2012)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Let be a non-periodic collection of commuting measure preserving transformations on a probability space (Ω,Σ,μ). Also let Γ be a nonempty subset of and the associated collection of rectangular parallelepipeds in with sides parallel to the axes and dimensions of the form with The associated multiparameter geometric and ergodic maximal operators and are defined respectively on and L¹(Ω) by and . Given a Young function Φ, it is shown that satisfies the weak type estimate ...
Asma Ilkhanizadeh Manesh, Ahmad Mohammadhasani (2018)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
For it is said that is gut-majorized by , and we write , if there exists an -by- upper triangular g-row stochastic matrix such that . Define the relation as follows. if is gut-majorized by and is gut-majorized by . The (strong) linear preservers of on and strong linear preservers of this relation on have been characterized before. This paper characterizes all (strong) linear preservers and strong linear preservers of on and .
Mei-Chu Chang, Jozsef Solymosi (2007)
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
In this paper we prove the following theorems in incidence geometry. 1. There is such that for any , and , if there are many distinct lines between and for all , , then are collinear. If the number of the distinct lines is then the cross ratio of the four points is algebraic. 2. Given , there is such that for any noncollinear, and , if there are many distinct lines between and for all , , then for any , we have distinct lines between and . 3. Given...