Displaying similar documents to “Singular Bundles with Bounded L 2 -Curvatures”

Chern classes of vector bundles with singular connections

Guiseppe De Cecco (1982)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


Si fa vedere che alcune classi di Chern di fibrati vettoriali complessi possono essere costruite non solo partendo da connessioni C ma, sotto certe condizioni, anche da connessioni lineari singolari. Nel caso particolare del fibrato tangente possono essere costruite anche a partire da metriche singolari. Viene fatto uso in modo essenziale della L 2 -coomologia di de Rham (introdotta da Cheeger e Teleman).

A classification theorem on Fano bundles

Roberto Muñoz, Luis E. Solá Conde, Gianluca Occhetta (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


In this paper we classify rank two Fano bundles on Fano manifolds satisfying H 2 ( X , ) H 4 ( X , ) . The classification is obtained via the computation of the nef and pseudoeffective cones of the projectivization ( ) , that allows us to obtain the cohomological invariants of X and . As a by-product we discuss Fano bundles associated to congruences of lines, showing that their varieties of minimal rational tangents may have several linear components.

C*-semigroup bundles and C*-algebras whose irreducible representations are all finite dimensional

Thomas Müller


We investigate the structure of C*-algebras with a finite bound on the dimensions of their irreducible representations, sometimes called “subhomogeneous”.In the first chapter we develop the theory of C*-semigroup bundles. These are C*-bundles over semigroups together with a “structure map” which links the semigroup structure of the base space lo the bundle. Under suitable conditions we prove the existence of “enough” bounded sections, which arc “compatible” with the C*-semigroup bundle...

Line bundles with partially vanishing cohomology

Burt Totaro (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Define a line bundle L on a projective variety to be q -ample, for a natural number q , if tensoring with high powers of L kills coherent sheaf cohomology above dimension q . Thus 0-ampleness is the usual notion of ampleness. We show that q -ampleness of a line bundle on a projective variety in characteristic zero is equivalent to the vanishing of an explicit finite list of cohomology groups. It follows that q -ampleness is a Zariski open condition, which is not clear from the definition. ...

Chern classes of vector bundles with singular connections

Guiseppe De Cecco (1982)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


Si fa vedere che alcune classi di Chern di fibrati vettoriali complessi possono essere costruite non solo partendo da connessioni C ma, sotto certe condizioni, anche da connessioni lineari singolari. Nel caso particolare del fibrato tangente possono essere costruite anche a partire da metriche singolari. Viene fatto uso in modo essenziale della L 2 -coomologia di de Rham (introdotta da Cheeger e Teleman).

Singular principal G -bundles on nodal curves

Alexander Schmitt (2005)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


In the present paper, we give a first general construction of compactified moduli spaces for semistable G -bundles on an irreducible complex projective curve X with exactly one node, where G is a semisimple linear algebraic group over the complex numbers.

Lifts of Foliated Linear Connectionsto the Second Order Transverse Bundles

Vadim V. Shurygin, Svetlana K. Zubkova (2016)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica


The second order transverse bundle T 2 M of a foliated manifold M carries a natural structure of a smooth manifold over the algebra 𝔻 2 of truncated polynomials of degree two in one variable. Prolongations of foliated mappings to second order transverse bundles are a partial case of more general 𝔻 2 -smooth foliated mappings between second order transverse bundles. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions under which a 𝔻 2 -smooth foliated diffeomorphism between two second order transverse...

Correction for the paper “ S 3 -bundles and exotic actions”

T. E. Barros (2001)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


In [R] explicit representatives for S 3 -principal bundles over S 7 are constructed, based on these constructions explicit free S 3 -actions on the total spaces are described, with quotients exotic 7 -spheres. To describe these actions a classification formula for the bundles is used. This formula is not correct. In Theorem 1 below, we correct the classification formula and in Theorem 2 we exhibit the correct indices of the exotic 7 -spheres that occur as quotients of the free S 3 -actions described...

𝒟 -bundles and integrable hierarchies

David Ben-Zvi, Thomas Nevins (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study the geometry of 𝒟 -bundles—locally projective 𝒟 -modules—on algebraic curves, and apply them to the study of integrable hierarchies, specifically the multicomponent Kadomtsev–Petviashvili (KP) and spin Calogero–Moser (CM) hierarchies. We show that KP hierarchies have a geometric description as flows on moduli spaces of 𝒟 -bundles; in particular, we prove that the local structure of 𝒟 -bundles is captured by the full Sato Grassmannian. The rational, trigonometric, and elliptic solutions...

Pseudo-real principal Higgs bundles on compact Kähler manifolds

Indranil Biswas, Oscar García-Prada, Jacques Hurtubise (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let X be a compact connected Kähler manifold equipped with an anti-holomorphic involution which is compatible with the Kähler structure. Let G be a connected complex reductive affine algebraic group equipped with a real form σ G . We define pseudo-real principal G -bundles on X . These are generalizations of real algebraic principal G -bundles over a real algebraic variety. Next we define stable, semistable and polystable pseudo-real principal G -bundles. Their relationships with the usual...

Singular φ -Laplacian third-order BVPs with derivative dependance

Smaïl Djebali, Ouiza Saifi (2016)

Archivum Mathematicum


This work is devoted to the existence of solutions for a class of singular third-order boundary value problem associated with a φ -Laplacian operator and posed on the positive half-line; the nonlinearity also depends on the first derivative. The upper and lower solution method combined with the fixed point theory guarantee the existence of positive solutions when the nonlinearity is monotonic with respect to its arguments and may have a space singularity; however no Nagumo type condition...

On a singular multi-point third-order boundary value problem on the half-line

Zakia Benbaziz, Smail Djebali (2020)

Mathematica Bohemica


We establish not only sufficient but also necessary conditions for existence of solutions to a singular multi-point third-order boundary value problem posed on the half-line. Our existence results are based on the Krasnosel’skii fixed point theorem on cone compression and expansion. Nonexistence results are proved under suitable a priori estimates. The nonlinearity f = f ( t , x , y ) which satisfies upper and lower-homogeneity conditions in the space variables x , y may be also singular at time t = 0 . Two examples...

Lifting to the r-frame bundle by means of connections

J. Kurek, W. M. Mikulski (2010)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let m and r be natural numbers and let P r : f m be the rth order frame bundle functor. Let F : f m and G : f k be natural bundles, where k = d i m ( P r m ) . We describe all f m -natural operators A transforming sections σ of F M M and classical linear connections ∇ on M into sections A(σ,∇) of G ( P r M ) P r M . We apply this general classification result to many important natural bundles F and G and obtain many particular classifications.

Commutators on ( q ) p

Dongyang Chen, William B. Johnson, Bentuo Zheng (2011)

Studia Mathematica


Let T be a bounded linear operator on X = ( q ) p with 1 ≤ q < ∞ and 1 < p < ∞. Then T is a commutator if and only if for all non-zero λ ∈ ℂ, the operator T - λI is not X-strictly singular.

A singular initial value problem for the equation u ( n ) ( x ) = g ( u ( x ) )

Wojciech Mydlarczyk (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We consider the problem of the existence of positive solutions u to the problem u ( n ) ( x ) = g ( u ( x ) ) , u ( 0 ) = u ' ( 0 ) = . . . = u ( n - 1 ) ( 0 ) = 0 (g ≥ 0,x > 0, n ≥ 2). It is known that if g is nondecreasing then the Osgood condition δ 1 / s [ s / g ( s ) ] 1 / n d s < is necessary and sufficient for the existence of nontrivial solutions to the above problem. We give a similar condition for other classes of functions g.

Common zero sets of equivalent singular inner functions

Keiji Izuchi (2004)

Studia Mathematica


Let μ and λ be bounded positive singular measures on the unit circle such that μ ⊥ λ. It is proved that there exist positive measures μ₀ and λ₀ such that μ₀ ∼ μ, λ₀ ∼ λ, and | ψ μ | < 1 | ψ λ | < 1 = , where ψ μ is the associated singular inner function of μ. Let ( μ ) = ν ; ν μ Z ( ψ ν ) be the common zeros of equivalent singular inner functions of ψ μ . Then (μ) ≠ ∅ and (μ) ∩ (λ) = ∅. It follows that μ ≪ λ if and only if (μ) ⊂ (λ). Hence (μ) is the set in the maximal ideal space of H which relates naturally to the set of measures equivalent...

L p ( ) boundedness for the commutator of a homogeneous singular integral operator

Guoen Hu (2003)

Studia Mathematica


The commutator of a singular integral operator with homogeneous kernel Ω(x)/|x|ⁿ is studied, where Ω is homogeneous of degree zero and has mean value zero on the unit sphere. It is proved that Ω L ( l o g L ) k + 1 ( S n - 1 ) is a sufficient condition for the kth order commutator to be bounded on L p ( ) for all 1 < p < ∞. The corresponding maximal operator is also considered.

Tilting Bundles on Rational Surfaces and Quasi-Hereditary Algebras

Lutz Hille, Markus Perling (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let X be any rational surface. We construct a tilting bundle T on X . Moreover, we can choose T in such way that its endomorphism algebra is quasi-hereditary. In particular, the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on X is equivalent to the bounded derived category of finitely generated modules over a finite dimensional quasi-hereditary algebra A . The construction starts with a full exceptional sequence of line bundles on X and uses universal extensions. If X is any smooth projective...