Displaying similar documents to “Double weighted commutators theorem for pseudo-differential operators with smooth symbols”

The boundedness of two classes of integral operators

Xin Wang, Ming-Sheng Liu (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The aim of this paper is to characterize the L p - L q boundedness of two classes of integral operators from L p ( 𝒰 , d V α ) to L q ( 𝒰 , d V β ) in terms of the parameters a , b , c , p , q and α , β , where 𝒰 is the Siegel upper half-space. The results in the presented paper generalize a corresponding result given in C. Liu, Y. Liu, P. Hu, L. Zhou (2019).

𝒞 k -regularity for the ¯ -equation with a support condition

Shaban Khidr, Osama Abdelkader (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let D be a 𝒞 d q -convex intersection, d 2 , 0 q n - 1 , in a complex manifold X of complex dimension n , n 2 , and let E be a holomorphic vector bundle of rank N over X . In this paper, 𝒞 k -estimates, k = 2 , 3 , , , for solutions to the ¯ -equation with small loss of smoothness are obtained for E -valued ( 0 , s ) -forms on D when n - q s n . In addition, we solve the ¯ -equation with a support condition in 𝒞 k -spaces. More precisely, we prove that for a ¯ -closed form f in 𝒞 0 , q k ( X D , E ) , 1 q n - 2 , n 3 , with compact support and for ε with 0 < ε < 1 there...

Distance matrices perturbed by Laplacians

Balaji Ramamurthy, Ravindra Bhalchandra Bapat, Shivani Goel (2020)

Applications of Mathematics


Let T be a tree with n vertices. To each edge of T we assign a weight which is a positive definite matrix of some fixed order, say, s . Let D i j denote the sum of all the weights lying in the path connecting the vertices i and j of T . We now say that D i j is the distance between i and j . Define D : = [ D i j ] , where D i i is the s × s null matrix and for i j , D i j is the distance between i and j . Let G be an arbitrary connected weighted graph with n vertices, where each weight is a positive definite matrix of order...

Sum-product theorems and incidence geometry

Mei-Chu Chang, Jozsef Solymosi (2007)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


In this paper we prove the following theorems in incidence geometry. 1. There is δ > 0 such that for any P 1 , , P 4 , and Q 1 , , Q n 2 , if there are n ( 1 + δ ) / 2 many distinct lines between P i and Q j for all i , j , then P 1 , , P 4 are collinear. If the number of the distinct lines is < c n 1 / 2 then the cross ratio of the four points is algebraic. 2. Given c > 0 , there is δ > 0 such that for any P 1 , P 2 , P 3 2 noncollinear, and Q 1 , , Q n 2 , if there are c n 1 / 2 many distinct lines between P i and Q j for all i , j , then for any P 2 { P 1 , P 2 , P 3 } , we have δ n distinct lines between P and Q j . 3. Given...

Complex series and connected sets

B. Jasek


CONTENTSPREFACE..........................................................................................................................................................................3INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................. 41. Notation. 2. Subject of the paper.Chapter I. DECOMPOSITION OF Σ INTO Σ 1 , Σ 2 , Σ 3 , Σ 4 INESSENTIAL RESTRICTIONOF GENERALITY ...............................................................................................................................................................

Involutivity degree of a distribution at superdensity points of its tangencies

Silvano Delladio (2021)

Archivum Mathematicum


Let Φ 1 , ... , Φ k + 1 (with k 1 ) be vector fields of class C k in an open set U N + m , let 𝕄 be a N -dimensional C k submanifold of U and define 𝕋 : = { z 𝕄 : Φ 1 ( z ) , ... , Φ k + 1 ( z ) T z 𝕄 } where T z 𝕄 is the tangent space to 𝕄 at z . Then we expect the following property, which is obvious in the special case when z 0 is an interior point (relative to 𝕄 ) of 𝕋 : If z 0 𝕄 is a ( N + k ) -density point (relative to 𝕄 ) of 𝕋 then all the iterated Lie brackets of order less or equal to k Φ i 1 ( z 0 ) , [ Φ i 1 , Φ i 2 ] ( z 0 ) , [ [ Φ i 1 , Φ i 2 ] , Φ i 3 ] ( z 0 ) , ... ( h , i h k + 1 ) belong to T z 0 𝕄 . Such a property has been proved in [9] for k = 1 and its proof in the...

The weak Gelfand-Phillips property in spaces of compact operators

Ioana Ghenciu (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


For Banach spaces X and Y , let K w * ( X * , Y ) denote the space of all w * - w continuous compact operators from X * to Y endowed with the operator norm. A Banach space X has the w G P property if every Grothendieck subset of X is relatively weakly compact. In this paper we study Banach spaces with property w G P . We investigate whether the spaces K w * ( X * , Y ) and X ϵ Y have the w G P property, when X and Y have the w G P property.