Displaying similar documents to “Intermittent estimation for finite alphabet finitarily Markovian processes with exponential tails”

Estimating the conditional expectations for continuous time stationary processes

Gusztáv Morvai, Benjamin Weiss (2020)



One of the basic estimation problems for continuous time stationary processes X t , is that of estimating E { X t + β | X s : s [ 0 , t ] } based on the observation of the single block { X s : s [ 0 , t ] } when the actual distribution of the process is not known. We will give fairly optimal universal estimates of this type that correspond to the optimal results in the case of discrete time processes.

An estimator for parameters of a nonlinear nonnegative multidimensional AR(1) process

Jiří Anděl (1998)

Applications of Mathematics


Let 𝕖 t = ( e t 1 , , e t p ) ' be a p -dimensional nonnegative strict white noise with finite second moments. Let h i j ( x ) be nondecreasing functions from [ 0 , ) onto [ 0 , ) such that h i j ( x ) x for i , j = 1 , , p . Let 𝕌 = ( u i j ) be a p × p matrix with nonnegative elements having all its roots inside the unit circle. Define a process 𝕏 t = ( X t 1 , , X t p ) ' by X t j = u j 1 h 1 j ( X t - 1 , 1 ) + + u j p h p j ( X t - 1 , p ) + e t j for j = 1 , , p . A method for estimating 𝕌 from a realization 𝕏 1 , , 𝕏 n is proposed. It is proved that the estimators are strongly consistent.

Gaussian approximation for functionals of Gibbs particle processes

Daniela Flimmel, Viktor Beneš (2018)



In the paper asymptotic properties of functionals of stationary Gibbs particle processes are derived. Two known techniques from the point process theory in the Euclidean space d are extended to the space of compact sets on d equipped with the Hausdorff metric. First, conditions for the existence of the stationary Gibbs point process with given conditional intensity have been simplified recently. Secondly, the Malliavin-Stein method was applied to the estimation of Wasserstein distance...

Bernstein inequality for the parameter of the pth order autoregressive process AR(p)

Samir Benaissa (2006)

Applicationes Mathematicae


The autoregressive process takes an important part in predicting problems leading to decision making. In practice, we use the least squares method to estimate the parameter θ̃ of the first-order autoregressive process taking values in a real separable Banach space B (ARB(1)), if it satisfies the following relation: X ̃ t = θ ̃ X ̃ t - 1 + ε ̃ t . In this paper we study the convergence in distribution of the linear operator I ( θ ̃ T , θ ̃ ) = ( θ ̃ T - θ ̃ ) θ ̃ T - 2 for ||θ̃|| > 1 and so we construct inequalities of Bernstein type for this operator. ...

Stationary distributions for jump processes with memory

K. Burdzy, T. Kulczycki, R. L. Schilling (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


We analyze a jump processes Z with a jump measure determined by a “memory” process S . The state space of ( Z , S ) is the Cartesian product of the unit circle and the real line. We prove that the stationary distribution of ( Z , S ) is the product of the uniform probability measure and a Gaussian distribution.

On Paszkiewicz-type criterion for a.e. continuity of processes in L p -spaces

Jakub Olejnik (2010)

Banach Center Publications


In this paper we consider processes Xₜ with values in L p , p ≥ 1 on subsets T of a unit cube in ℝⁿ satisfying a natural condition of boundedness of increments, i.e. a process has bounded increments if for some non-decreasing f: ℝ₊ → ℝ₊ ||Xₜ-Xₛ||ₚ ≤ f(||t-s||), s,t ∈ T. We give a sufficient criterion for a.s. continuity of all processes with bounded increments on subsets of a given set T. This criterion turns out to be necessary for a wide class of functions f. We use a geometrical Paszkiewicz-type...

Estimation of the density of a determinantal process

Yannick Baraud (2013)

Confluentes Mathematici


We consider the problem of estimating the density Π of a determinantal process N from the observation of n independent copies of it. We use an aggregation procedure based on robust testing to build our estimator. We establish non-asymptotic risk bounds with respect to the Hellinger loss and deduce, when n goes to infinity, uniform rates of convergence over classes of densities Π of interest.

On the strong Brillinger-mixing property of α -determinantal point processes and some applications

Lothar Heinrich (2016)

Applications of Mathematics


First, we derive a representation formula for all cumulant density functions in terms of the non-negative definite kernel function C ( x , y ) defining an α -determinantal point process (DPP). Assuming absolute integrability of the function C 0 ( x ) = C ( o , x ) , we show that a stationary α -DPP with kernel function C 0 ( x ) is “strongly” Brillinger-mixing, implying, among others, that its tail- σ -field is trivial. Second, we use this mixing property to prove rates of normal convergence for shot-noise processes and sketch...

Small positive values for supercritical branching processes in random environment

Vincent Bansaye, Christian Böinghoff (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


Branching Processes in Random Environment (BPREs) ( Z n : n 0 ) are the generalization of Galton–Watson processes where in each generation the reproduction law is picked randomly in an i.i.d. manner. In the supercritical case, the process survives with positive probability and then almost surely grows geometrically. This paper focuses on rare events when the process takes positive but small values for large times. We describe the asymptotic behavior of ( 1 Z n k | Z 0 = i ) , k , i as n . More precisely, we characterize...

A note on discriminating Poisson processes from other point processes with stationary inter arrival times

Gusztáv Morvai, Benjamin Weiss (2019)



We give a universal discrimination procedure for determining if a sample point drawn from an ergodic and stationary simple point process on the line with finite intensity comes from a homogeneous Poisson process with an unknown parameter. Presented with the sample on the interval [ 0 , t ] the discrimination procedure g t , which is a function of the finite subsets of [ 0 , t ] , will almost surely eventually stabilize on either POISSON or NOTPOISSON with the first alternative occurring if and only if the...

Theorem-proving systems

Ewa Orłowska


CONTENTSIntroduction.................................................................................................................... 6Chapter I. Theorem-proving system§ 1. Theory...................................................................................................................... 7§ 2. Fundamental theory T ƒ ................................................................................ 8§ 3. Theorem-proving system.......................................................................................