Displaying similar documents to “On the irreducible factors of a polynomial over a valued field”

A class of irreducible polynomials

Joshua Harrington, Lenny Jones (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let f ( x ) = x + k n - 1 x n - 1 + k n - 2 x n - 2 + + k x + k [ x ] , where 3 k n - 1 k n - 2 k k 2 k n - 1 - 3 . We show that f(x) and f(x²) are irreducible over ℚ. Moreover, the upper bound of 2 k n - 1 - 3 on the coefficients of f(x) is the best possible in this situation.

On prolongations of rank one discrete valuations

Lhoussain El Fadil (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let ( K , ν ) be a valued field, where ν is a rank one discrete valuation. Let R be its ring of valuation, 𝔪 its maximal ideal, and L an extension of K , defined by a monic irreducible polynomial F ( X ) R [ X ] . Assume that F ¯ ( X ) factors as a product of r distinct powers of monic irreducible polynomials. In this paper a condition which guarantees the existence of exactly r distinct valuations of K extending ν is given, in such a way that it generalizes the results given in the paper “Prolongations of valuations...

Polynomials with values which are powers of integers

Rachid Boumahdi, Jesse Larone (2018)

Archivum Mathematicum


Let P be a polynomial with integral coefficients. Shapiro showed that if the values of P at infinitely many blocks of consecutive integers are of the form Q ( m ) , where Q is a polynomial with integral coefficients, then P ( x ) = Q ( R ( x ) ) for some polynomial R . In this paper, we show that if the values of P at finitely many blocks of consecutive integers, each greater than a provided bound, are of the form m q where q is an integer greater than 1, then P ( x ) = ( R ( x ) ) q for some polynomial R ( x ) .

On monogenity of certain pure number fields of degrees 2 r · 3 k · 7 s

Hamid Ben Yakkou, Jalal Didi (2024)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let K = ( α ) be a pure number field generated by a complex root α of a monic irreducible polynomial F ( x ) = x 2 r · 3 k · 7 s - m [ x ] , where r , k , s are three positive natural integers. The purpose of this paper is to study the monogenity of K . Our results are illustrated by some examples.

Beyond two criteria for supersingularity: coefficients of division polynomials

Christophe Debry (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Let f ( x ) be a cubic, monic and separable polynomial over a field of characteristic p 3 and let E be the elliptic curve given by y 2 = f ( x ) . In this paper we prove that the coefficient at x 1 2 p ( p - 1 ) in the p –th division polynomial of E equals the coefficient at x p - 1 in f ( x ) 1 2 ( p - 1 ) . For elliptic curves over a finite field of characteristic p , the first coefficient is zero if and only if E is supersingular, which by a classical criterion of Deuring (1941) is also equivalent to the vanishing of the second coefficient. So the...

Representations of the general linear group over symmetry classes of polynomials

Yousef Zamani, Mahin Ranjbari (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let V be the complex vector space of homogeneous linear polynomials in the variables x 1 , ... , x m . Suppose G is a subgroup of S m , and χ is an irreducible character of G . Let H d ( G , χ ) be the symmetry class of polynomials of degree d with respect to G and χ . For any linear operator T acting on V , there is a (unique) induced operator K χ ( T ) End ( H d ( G , χ ) ) acting on symmetrized decomposable polynomials by K χ ( T ) ( f 1 * f 2 * ... * f d ) = T f 1 * T f 2 * ... * T f d . In this paper, we show that the representation T K χ ( T ) of the general linear group G L ( V ) is equivalent to the direct sum of χ ( 1 ) copies...

Coppersmith-Rivlin type inequalities and the order of vanishing of polynomials at 1


Acta Arithmetica


For n ∈ ℕ, L > 0, and p ≥ 1 let κ p ( n , L ) be the largest possible value of k for which there is a polynomial P ≢ 0 of the form P ( x ) = j = 0 n a j x j , | a 0 | L ( j = 1 n | a j | p ) 1 / p , a j , such that ( x - 1 ) k divides P(x). For n ∈ ℕ, L > 0, and q ≥ 1 let μ q ( n , L ) be the smallest value of k for which there is a polynomial Q of degree k with complex coefficients such that | Q ( 0 ) | > 1 / L ( j = 1 n | Q ( j ) | q ) 1 / q . We find the size of κ p ( n , L ) and μ q ( n , L ) for all n ∈ ℕ, L > 0, and 1 ≤ p,q ≤ ∞. The result about μ ( n , L ) is due to Coppersmith and Rivlin, but our proof is completely different and much shorter even...

A new characterization for the simple group PSL ( 2 , p 2 ) by order and some character degrees

Behrooz Khosravi, Behnam Khosravi, Bahman Khosravi, Zahra Momen (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let G be a finite group and p a prime number. We prove that if G is a finite group of order | PSL ( 2 , p 2 ) | such that G has an irreducible character of degree p 2 and we know that G has no irreducible character θ such that 2 p θ ( 1 ) , then G is isomorphic to PSL ( 2 , p 2 ) . As a consequence of our result we prove that PSL ( 2 , p 2 ) is uniquely determined by the structure of its complex group algebra.

The multiplicity of the zero at 1 of polynomials with constrained coefficients

Peter Borwein, Tamás Erdélyi, Géza Kós (2013)

Acta Arithmetica


For n ∈ ℕ, L > 0, and p ≥ 1 let κ p ( n , L ) be the largest possible value of k for which there is a polynomial P ≠ 0 of the form P ( x ) = j = 0 n a j x j , | a 0 | L ( j = 1 n | a j | p 1/p , aj ∈ ℂ , such that ( x - 1 ) k divides P(x). For n ∈ ℕ and L > 0 let κ ( n , L ) be the largest possible value of k for which there is a polynomial P ≠ 0 of the form P ( x ) = j = 0 n a j x j , | a 0 | L m a x 1 j n | a j | , a j , such that ( x - 1 ) k divides P(x). We prove that there are absolute constants c₁ > 0 and c₂ > 0 such that c 1 ( n / L ) - 1 κ ( n , L ) c 2 ( n / L ) for every L ≥ 1. This complements an earlier result of the authors valid for every n ∈ ℕ and L ∈...

On a generalization of the Beiter Conjecture

Bartłomiej Bzdęga (2016)

Acta Arithmetica


We prove that for every ε > 0 and every nonnegative integer w there exist primes p 1 , . . . , p w such that for n = p 1 . . . p w the height of the cyclotomic polynomial Φ n is at least ( 1 - ε ) c w M n , where M n = i = 1 w - 2 p i 2 w - 1 - i - 1 and c w is a constant depending only on w; furthermore l i m w c w 2 - w 0 . 71 . In our construction we can have p i > h ( p 1 . . . p i - 1 ) for all i = 1,...,w and any function h: ℝ₊ → ℝ₊.

Discriminants of Chebyshev radical extensions

T. Alden Gassert (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Let t be any integer and fix an odd prime . Let Φ ( x ) = T n ( x ) - t denote the n -fold composition of the Chebyshev polynomial of degree shifted by t . If this polynomial is irreducible, let K = ( θ ) , where θ is a root of Φ . We use a theorem of Dedekind in conjunction with previous results of the author to give conditions on t that ensure K is monogenic. For other values of t , we apply a result of Guàrdia, Montes, and Nart to obtain a formula for the discriminant of K and compute an integral basis for the ring...

Heights of squares of Littlewood polynomials and infinite series

Artūras Dubickas (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let P be a unimodular polynomial of degree d-1. Then the height H(P²) of its square is at least √(d/2) and the product L(P²)H(P²), where L denotes the length of a polynomial, is at least d². We show that for any ε > 0 and any d ≥ d(ε) there exists a polynomial P with ±1 coefficients of degree d-1 such that H(P²) < (2+ε)√(dlogd) and L(P²)H(P²)< (16/3+ε)d²log d. A similar result is obtained for the series with ±1 coefficients. Let A m be the mth coefficient of the square f(x)² of...

On relative pure cyclic fields with power integral bases

Mohammed Sahmoudi, Mohammed Elhassani Charkani (2023)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let L = K ( α ) be an extension of a number field K , where α satisfies the monic irreducible polynomial P ( X ) = X p - β of prime degree belonging to 𝔬 K [ X ] ( 𝔬 K is the ring of integers of K ). The purpose of this paper is to study the monogenity of L over K by a simple and practical version of Dedekind’s criterion characterizing the existence of power integral bases over an arbitrary Dedekind ring by using the Gauss valuation and the index ideal. As an illustration, we determine an integral basis of a pure nonic field...

On sharp characters of type { - 1 , 0 , 2 }

Alireza Abdollahi, Javad Bagherian, Mahdi Ebrahimi, Maryam Khatami, Zahra Shahbazi, Reza Sobhani (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


For a complex character χ of a finite group G , it is known that the product sh ( χ ) = l L ( χ ) ( χ ( 1 ) - l ) is a multiple of | G | , where L ( χ ) is the image of χ on G - { 1 } . The character χ is said to be a sharp character of type L if L = L ( χ ) and sh ( χ ) = | G | . If the principal character of G is not an irreducible constituent of χ , then the character χ is called normalized. It is proposed as a problem by P. J. Cameron and M. Kiyota, to find finite groups G with normalized sharp characters of type { - 1 , 0 , 2 } . Here we prove that such a group with nontrivial...

Polynomials, sign patterns and Descartes' rule of signs

Vladimir Petrov Kostov (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica


By Descartes’ rule of signs, a real degree d polynomial P with all nonvanishing coefficients with c sign changes and p sign preservations in the sequence of its coefficients ( c + p = d ) has pos c positive and ¬ p negative roots, where pos c ( mod 2 ) and ¬ p ( mod 2 ) . For 1 d 3 , for every possible choice of the sequence of signs of coefficients of P (called sign pattern) and for every pair ( pos , neg ) satisfying these conditions there exists a polynomial P with exactly pos positive and exactly ¬ negative roots (all of them simple). For d 4 ...