Displaying similar documents to “Pointwise estimates for the weighted Bergman projection kernel in n , using a weighted L 2 estimate for the ¯ equation”

Weighted Bergman projections and tangential area integrals

William Cohn (1993)

Studia Mathematica


Let Ω be a bounded strictly pseudoconvex domain in n . In this paper we find sufficient conditions on a function f defined on Ω in order that the weighted Bergman projection P s f belong to the Hardy-Sobolev space H k p ( Ω ) . The conditions on f we consider are formulated in terms of tent spaces and complex tangential vector fields. If f is holomorphic then these conditions are necessary and sufficient in order that f belong to the Hardy-Sobolev space H k p ( Ω ) .

Weighted generalization of the Ramadanov's theorem and further considerations

Zbigniew Pasternak-Winiarski, Paweł Wójcicki (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We study the limit behavior of weighted Bergman kernels on a sequence of domains in a complex space N , and show that under some conditions on domains and weights, weighed Bergman kernels converge uniformly on compact sets. Then we give a weighted generalization of the theorem given by M. Skwarczyński (1980), highlighting some special property of the domains, on which the weighted Bergman kernels converge uniformly. Moreover, we show that convergence of weighted Bergman kernels implies...

The Bergman projection in spaces of entire functions

Jocelyn Gonessa, El Hassan Youssfi (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We establish L p -estimates for the weighted Bergman projection on a nonsingular cone. We apply these results to the weighted Fock space with respect to the minimal norm in ℂⁿ.

On the Djrbashian kernel of a Siegel domain

Elisabetta Barletta, Sorin Dragomir (1998)

Studia Mathematica


We establish an inversion formula for the M. M. Djrbashian A. H. Karapetyan integral transform (cf. [6]) on the Siegel domain Ω n = ζ n : ϱ ( ζ ) > 0 , ϱ ( ζ ) = I m ( ζ 1 ) - | ζ ' | 2 . We build a family of Kähler metrics of constant holomorphic curvature whose potentials are the ϱ α -Bergman kernels, α > -1, (in the sense of Z. Pasternak-Winiarski [20] of Ω n . We build an anti-holomorphic embedding of Ω n in the complex projective Hilbert space ( H α 2 ( Ω n ) ) and study (in connection with work by A. Odzijewicz [18] the corresponding transition probability...

The Bergman projection on weighted spaces: L¹ and Herz spaces

Oscar Blasco, Salvador Pérez-Esteva (2002)

Studia Mathematica


We find necessary and sufficient conditions on radial weights w on the unit disc so that the Bergman type projections of Forelli-Rudin are bounded on L¹(w) and in the Herz spaces K p q ( w ) .

On the Bergman distance on model domains in ℂⁿ

Gregor Herbort (2016)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let P be a real-valued and weighted homogeneous plurisubharmonic polynomial in n - 1 and let D denote the “model domain” z ∈ ℂⁿ | r(z):= Re z₁ + P(z’) < 0. We prove a lower estimate on the Bergman distance of D if P is assumed to be strongly plurisubharmonic away from the coordinate axes.

Commutant of multiplication operators in weighted Bergman spaces on polydisk

Ali Abkar (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We study a certain operator of multiplication by monomials in the weighted Bergman space both in the unit disk of the complex plane and in the polydisk of the n -dimensional complex plane. Characterization of the commutant of such operators is given.

The Bergman kernel functions of certain unbounded domains

Friedrich Haslinger (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We compute the Bergman kernel functions of the unbounded domains Ω p = ( z ' , z ) ² : z > p ( z ' ) , where p ( z ' ) = | z ' | α / α . It is also shown that these kernel functions have no zeros in Ω p . We use a method from harmonic analysis to reduce the computation of the 2-dimensional case to the problem of finding the kernel function of a weighted space of entire functions in one complex variable.

Estimates for the Bergman kernel and metric of convex domains in ℂⁿ

Nikolai Nikolov, Peter Pflug (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Sharp geometrical lower and upper estimates are obtained for the Bergman kernel on the diagonal of a convex domain D ⊂ ℂⁿ which does not contain complex lines. It is also proved that the ratio of the Bergman and Carathéodory metrics of D does not exceed a constant depending only on n.

Completeness of the Bergman metric on non-smooth pseudoconvex domains

Bo-Yong Chen (1999)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We prove that the Bergman metric on domains satisfying condition S is complete. This implies that any bounded pseudoconvex domain with Lipschitz boundary is complete with respect to the Bergman metric. We also show that bounded hyperconvex domains in the plane and convex domains in n are Bergman comlete.

Weighted L -estimates for Bergman projections

José Bonet, Miroslav Engliš, Jari Taskinen (2005)

Studia Mathematica


We consider Bergman projections and some new generalizations of them on weighted L ( ) -spaces. A new reproducing formula is obtained. We show the boundedness of these projections for a large family of weights v which tend to 0 at the boundary with a polynomial speed. These weights may even be nonradial. For logarithmically decreasing weights bounded projections do not exist. In this case we instead consider the projective description problem for holomorphic inductive limits.

Peak functions on convex domains

Kolář, Martin


Let Ω n be a domain with smooth boundary and p Ω . A holomorphic function f on Ω is called a C k ( k = 0 , 1 , 2 , ) peak function at p if f C k ( Ω ¯ ) , f ( p ) = 1 , and | f ( q ) | < 1 for all q Ω ¯ { p } . If Ω is strongly pseudoconvex, then C peak functions exist. On the other hand, J. E. Fornaess constructed an example in 2 to show that this result fails, even for C 1 functions, on a weakly pseudoconvex domain [Math. Ann. 227, 173-175 (1977; Zbl 0346.32026)]. Subsequently, E. Bedford and J. E. Fornaess showed that there is always a continuous peak function...

Henkin-Ramirez formulas with weight factors

B. Berndtsson, Mats Andersson (1982)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


We construct a generalization of the Henkin-Ramírez (or Cauchy-Leray) kernels for the -equation. The generalization consists in multiplication by a weight factor and addition of suitable lower order terms, and is found via a representation as an “oscillating integral”. As special cases we consider weights which behave like a power of the distance to the boundary, like exp- ϕ with ϕ convex, and weights of polynomial decrease in C n . We also briefly consider kernels with singularities on...