Displaying 161 – 180 of 2276

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An objective and practical method for describing and understanding ratios

D. H. Fowler (1993)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

This article explores the use of the euclidian algorithm as a most useful way of handling ratios, especially when good rational approximations are required. Illustrations are taken from a discussion of the analysis of greek architecture by J.J Coulton. Although this is intended as a practical account, some discussions of theoretical aspects are included, and also of the relationship of this procedure to a new interpretation of early greek mathematics.

An Online Repository of Mathematical Samples

Baker, Josef B., Sexton, Alan P., Sorge, Volker (2009)

Towards a Digital Mathematics Library. Grand Bend, Ontario, Canada, July 8-9th, 2009

With a growing community of researchers working on the recognition, parsing and digital exploitation of mathematical formulae, a need has arisen for a set of samples or benchmarks which can be used to compare, evaluate and help to develop different implementations and algorithms. The benchmark set would have to cover a wide range of mathematics, contain enough information to be able to search for specific samples and be accessible to the whole community. In this paper, we propose an on-line system...

Anketa L’Enseignement Mathématique a Matyáš Lerch

L’ubomíra Dvořáková, Jiří Veselý (2016)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Článek přibližuje vznik časopisu L’Enseignement Mathématique, který je oficiálním periodikem International Commission on Mathematical Instruction. Časopis před více než 100 lety uspořádal anketu o způsobu práce matematiků a té se zúčastnil i Matyáš Lerch. Přinášíme jeho odpovědi na vybrané otázky i některé jeho názory. Celé obsáhlé Lerchovo dílo bude přístupné i prostřednictvím DML-CZ.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 2276