On generalized fuzzy relation equations: necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions
Perceptions about function changes are represented by rules like “If X is SMALL then Y is QUICKLY INCREASING.” The consequent part of a rule describes a granule of directions of the function change when X is increasing on the fuzzy interval given in the antecedent part of the rule. Each rule defines a granular differential and a rule base defines a granular derivative. A reconstruction of a fuzzy function given by the granular derivative and the initial value given by the rule is similar to Euler’s...
Given a partition P:L → ω of the lines in , n ≥ 2, into countably many pieces, we ask if it is possible to find a partition of the points, , so that each line meets at most m points of its color. Assuming Martin’s Axiom, we show this is the case for m ≥ 3. We reduce the problem for m = 2 to a purely finitary geometry problem. Although we have established a very similar, but somewhat simpler, version of the geometry conjecture, we leave the general problem open. We consider also various generalizations...