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m * -fuzzy basically disconnected spaces in smooth fuzzy topological spaces

B. Amudhambigai, Mallasamudram Kuppusamy Uma, Elango Roja (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this paper, the concepts of m * r -fuzzy g ˜ -open F σ sets and m * -fuzzy basically disconnected spaces are introduced in the sense of Šostak and Ramadan. Some interesting properties and characterizations are studied. Tietze extension theorem for m * -fuzzy basically disconnected spaces is discussed.

MAD families and P -points

Salvador García-Ferreira, Paul J. Szeptycki (2007)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The Katětov ordering of two maximal almost disjoint (MAD) families 𝒜 and is defined as follows: We say that 𝒜 K if there is a function f : ω ω such that f - 1 ( A ) ( ) for every A ( 𝒜 ) . In [Garcia-Ferreira S., Hrušák M., Ordering MAD families a la Katětov, J. Symbolic Logic 68 (2003), 1337–1353] a MAD family is called K -uniform if for every X ( 𝒜 ) + , we have that 𝒜 | X K 𝒜 . We prove that CH implies that for every K -uniform MAD family 𝒜 there is a P -point p of ω * such that the set of all Rudin-Keisler predecessors of p is dense in the...

MAD families and the rationals

Michael Hrušák (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Rational numbers are used to classify maximal almost disjoint (MAD) families of subsets of the integers. Combinatorial characterization of indestructibility of MAD families by the likes of Cohen, Miller and Sacks forcings are presented. Using these it is shown that Sacks indestructible MAD family exists in ZFC and that 𝔟 = 𝔠 implies that there is a Cohen indestructible MAD family. It follows that a Cohen indestructible MAD family is in fact indestructible by Sacks and Miller forcings. A connection with...

MAD families with strong combinatorial properties

Jörg Brendle, Greg Piper (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In his paper in Fund. Math. 178 (2003), Miller presented two conjectures regarding MAD families. The first is that CH implies the existence of a MAD family that is also a σ-set. The second is that under CH, there is a MAD family concentrated on a countable subset. These are proved in the present paper.

Making factorizations compositive

Reinhard Börger (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The main aim of this paper is to obtain compositive cone factorizations from non-compositive ones by itereration. This is possible if and only if certain colimits of (possibly large) chains exist. In particular, we show that (strong-epi, mono) factorizations of cones exist if and only if joint coequalizers and colimits of chains of regular epimorphisms exist.

Many-dimensional observables on Łukasiewicz tribe: constructions, conditioning and conditional independence

Tomáš Kroupa (2005)


Probability on collections of fuzzy sets can be developed as a generalization of the classical probability on σ -algebras of sets. A Łukasiewicz tribe is a collection of fuzzy sets which is closed under the standard fuzzy complementation and under the pointwise application of the Łukasiewicz t-norm to countably many fuzzy sets. An observable is a fuzzy set-valued mapping defined on a σ -algebra of sets and satisfying some additional properties; formally, the role of an observable is in a sense analogous...

Marczewski-Burstin Representations of Boolean Algebras Isomorphic to a Power Set

Artur Bartoszewicz (2005)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

The paper contains some sufficient conditions for Marczewski-Burstin representability of an algebra 𝓐 of sets which is isomorphic to 𝓟(X) for some X. We characterize those algebras of sets which are inner MB-representable and isomorphic to a power set. We consider connections between inner MB-representability and hull property of an algebra isomorphic to 𝓟 (X) and completeness of an associated quotient algebra. An example of an infinite universally MB-representable algebra is given.

Mathematical aspects of the theory of measures of fuzziness.

Doretta Vivona (1996)

Mathware and Soft Computing

After recalling the axiomatic concept of fuzziness measure, we define some fuzziness measures through Sugeno's and Choquet's integral. In particular, for the so-called homogeneous fuzziness measures we prove two representation theorems by means of the above integrals.

Maximal almost disjoint families of functions

Dilip Raghavan (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study maximal almost disjoint (MAD) families of functions in ω ω that satisfy certain strong combinatorial properties. In particular, we study the notions of strongly and very MAD families of functions. We introduce and study a hierarchy of combinatorial properties lying between strong MADness and very MADness. Proving a conjecture of Brendle, we show that if c o v ( ) < , then there no very MAD families. We answer a question of Kastermans by constructing a strongly MAD family from = . Next, we study the...

Maximal free sequences in a Boolean algebra

J. D. Monk (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study free sequences and related notions on Boolean algebras. A free sequence on a BA A is a sequence a ξ : ξ < α of elements of A , with α an ordinal, such that for all F , G [ α ] < ω with F < G we have ξ F a ξ · ξ G - a ξ 0 . A free sequence of length α exists iff the Stone space Ult ( A ) has a free sequence of length α in the topological sense. A free sequence is maximal iff it cannot be extended at the end to a longer free sequence. The main notions studied here are the spectrum function 𝔣 sp ( A ) = { | α | : A has an infinite maximal free sequence of length α } and the associated min-max function 𝔣 ( A ) = min ( 𝔣 sp ( A ) ) . Among the results...

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