Diagonals on the permutahedra, multiplihedra and associahedra.
In this paper, we study differential equations arising from the generating functions of the generalized Bell polynomials.We give explicit identities for the generalized Bell polynomials. Finally, we investigate the zeros of the generalized Bell polynomials by using numerical simulations.
L'operatore di differenze multivariate è utilizzato per stabilire varie formule di somme riguardanti le funzioni simmetriche, le quali hanno uno stretto legame con le identità del «termine costante».
We obtain new q-series identities that have interesting interpretations in terms of divisors and partitions. We present a proof of a theorem of Z. B. Wang, R. Fokkink, and W. Fokkink, which follows as a corollary to our main q-series identity, and offer a similar result.
The Gould-Hsu (1973) inverse series relations have been systematically applied to the research of hypergeometric identities. Their duplicate version is established and used to demonstrate several terminating -summation formulas. Further hypergeometric evaluations with the same variable are obtained through recurrence relations.
We show how an old principle, due to Walsh (1922), can be used in order to construct an algorithm which finds the roots of polynomials with complex coefficients. This algorithm uses a linear command. From the very first step, the zero is located inside a disk, so several zeros can be searched at the same time.