An application of Halls' theorems to matrices
We investigate the problem of counting the real or complex Hadamard matrices which are circulant, by using analytic methods. Our main observation is the fact that for the quantity satisfies , with equality if and only if is the eigenvalue vector of a rescaled circulant complex Hadamard matrix. This suggests three analytic problems, namely: (1) the brute-force minimization of , (2) the study of the critical points of , and (3) the computation of the moments of . We explore here these questions,...
The nullity of a graph is the multiplicity of zero as an eigenvalue in the spectrum of its adjacency matrix. From the interlacing theorem, derived from Cauchy’s inequalities for matrices, a vertex of a graph can be a core vertex if, on deleting the vertex, the nullity decreases, or a Fiedler vertex, otherwise. We adopt a graph theoretical approach to determine conditions required for the identification of a pair of prescribed types of root vertices of two graphs to form a cut-vertex of unique...
Acomplex Hadamard matrix is a square matrix H with complex entries of absolute value 1 satisfying HH* = nI, where * stands for the Hermitian transpose and I is the identity matrix of order n. In this paper, we first determine the image of a certain rational map from the d-dimensional complex projective space to Cd(d+1)/2. Applying this result with d = 3, we give constructions of complex Hadamard matrices, and more generally, type-II matrices, in the Bose–Mesner algebra of a certain 3-class symmetric...
We shall compute the exact value of rigidity of the triangular matrix with entries 0 and 1.
Partially supported by the Bulgarian Science Fund contract with TU Varna, No 487.The author developed computer programs needed for the classification of designs with certain automorphisms by the local approach method. All these programs use canonicity test or/and construction of canonical form of an integer matrix. Their efficiency substantially influences the speed of the whole computation. The present paper deals with the implemented canonicity algorithm. It is based on ideas used by McKay, Meringer,...
This paper deals with two-factor experiments with split units. The whole plot treatments occur in a repeated Latin square, modified Latin square or Youden square, while subplot treatments occur in a block design within the whole plots. The statistical properties of the considered designs are examined. Special attention is paid to the case where one of the treatments is an individual control or an individual standard treatment. In addition, we give a brief overview of work on the design of experiments...
The concept of covering energy of a poset is known and its McClelland type bounds are available in the literature. In this paper, we establish formulas for the covering energy of a crown with elements and a fence with elements. A lower bound for the largest eigenvalue of a poset is established. Using this lower bound, we improve the McClelland type bounds for the covering energy for some special classes of posets.