Schubert functions and the number of reduced words of permutations.
The theory of Schur and Schubert polynomials is revisited in this paper from the point of view of generalized Thom polynomials. When we apply a general method to compute Thom polynomials for this case we obtain a new definition for (double versions of) Schur and Schubert polynomials: they will be solutions of interpolation problems.
Étant donnés un système de racines d’une des familles A, B, C, D, F, G et le groupe abélien libre qu’il engendre, on calcule explicitement la série de croissance de ce groupe relativement à Les résultats s’interprètent en termes du polynôme d’Ehrhart de l’enveloppe convexe de .
The goal of our work is to study the spaces of primitive elements of some combinatorial Hopf algebras, whose underlying vector spaces admit linear basis labelled by subsets of the set of maps between finite sets. In order to deal with these objects we introduce the notion of shuffle algebras, which are coloured algebras where composition is not always defined. We define bialgebras in this framework and compute the subpaces of primitive elements associated to them. These spaces of primitive elements...
In the famous paper [FZ2] Fomin and Zelevinsky obtained Cartan-Killing type classification of all cluster algebras of finite type, i.e. cluster algebras having only finitely many distinct cluster variables. A wider class of cluster algebras is formed by cluster algebras of finite mutation type which have finitely many exchange matrices (but are allowed to have infinitely many cluster variables). In this paper we classify all cluster algebras of finite mutation type with skew-symmetric exchange matrices....