Displaying 121 – 140 of 216

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Power-ordered sets

Martin R. Goldstern, Dietmar Schweigert (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

We define a natural ordering on the power set 𝔓(Q) of any finite partial order Q, and we characterize those partial orders Q for which 𝔓(Q) is a distributive lattice under that ordering.

Prime Filters and Ideals in Distributive Lattices

Adam Grabowski (2013)

Formalized Mathematics

The article continues the formalization of the lattice theory (as structures with two binary operations, not in terms of ordering relations). In the Mizar Mathematical Library, there are some attempts to formalize prime ideals and filters; one series of articles written as decoding [9] proven some results; we tried however to follow [21], [12], and [13]. All three were devoted to the Stone representation theorem [18] for Boolean or Heyting lattices. The main aim of the present article was to bridge...

Radical classes of distributive lattices having the least element

Ján Jakubík (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let 𝒟 be the system of all distributive lattices and let 𝒟 0 be the system of all L 𝒟 such that L possesses the least element. Further, let 𝒟 1 be the system of all infinitely distributive lattices belonging to 𝒟 0 . In the present paper we investigate the radical classes of the systems 𝒟 , 𝒟 0 and 𝒟 1 .

Remarks on affine complete distributive lattices

Dominic Zypen (2006)

Open Mathematics

We characterise the Priestley spaces corresponding to affine complete bounded distributive lattices. Moreover we prove that the class of affine complete bounded distributive lattices is closed under products and free products. We show that every (not necessarily bounded) distributive lattice can be embedded in an affine complete one and that ℚ ∩ [0, 1] is initial in the class of affine complete lattices.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 216