Fortsetzungen extremaler Funktionale.
“The kernel functor” from the category of archimedean lattice-ordered groups with distinguished weak unit onto LFrm, of Lindelöf completely regular frames, preserves and reflects monics. In , monics are one-to-one, but not necessarily so in LFrm. An embedding for which is one-to-one is termed kernel-injective, or KI; these are the topic of this paper. The situation is contrasted with kernel-surjective and -preserving (KS and KP). The -objects every embedding of which is KI are characterized;...
In this paper we deal with the of an -algebra , where and are nonzero cardinals. It is proved that if is singular and -distributive, then it is . We show that if is complete then it can be represented as a direct product of -algebras which are homogeneous with respect to higher degrees of distributivity.
We give two variations of the Holland representation theorem for -groups and of its generalization of Glass for directed interpolation po-groups as groups of automorphisms of a linearly ordered set or of an antilattice, respectively. We show that every pseudo-effect algebra with some kind of the Riesz decomposition property as well as any pseudo -algebra can be represented as a pseudo-effect algebra or as a pseudo -algebra of automorphisms of some antilattice or of some linearly ordered set.