Extensive varieties
We give several characterisations of strongly projective graphs which generalise in many respects odd cycles and complete graphs [7]. We prove that all known families of projective graphs contain only strongly projective graphs, including complete graphs, odd cycles, Kneser graphs and non-bipartite distance-transitive graphs of diameter d ≥ 3.
We prove that a finite atomistic lattice can be represented as a lattice of quasivarieties if and only if it is isomorphic to the lattice of all subsemilattices of a finite semilattice. This settles a conjecture that appeared in the context of [11].
A monoid S 1 obtained by adjoining a unit element to a 2-testable semigroup S is said to be 2-testable. It is shown that a 2-testable monoid S 1 is either inherently non-finitely based or hereditarily finitely based, depending on whether or not the variety generated by the semigroup S contains the Brandt semigroup of order five. Consequently, it is decidable in quadratic time if a finite 2-testable monoid is finitely based.
Given an n-ary k-valued function f, gap(f) denotes the essential arity gap of f which is the minimal number of essential variables in f which become fictive when identifying any two distinct essential variables in f. In the present paper we study the properties of the symmetric function with non-trivial arity gap (2 ≤ gap(f)). We prove several results concerning decomposition of the symmetric functions with non-trivial arity gap with its minors or subfunctions. We show that all non-empty sets of...
A concrete category is (algebraically) universal if any category of algebras has a full embedding into , and is almost universal if there is a class of -objects such that all non-constant homomorphisms between them form a universal category. The main result of this paper fully characterizes the finitely generated varieties of -lattices which are almost universal.