Displaying 561 – 580 of 2115

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Free algebras in varieties

Jan Pavlík (2010)

Archivum Mathematicum

We define varieties of algebras for an arbitrary endofunctor on a cocomplete category using pairs of natural transformations. This approach is proved to be equivalent to one of equational classes defined by equation arrows. Free algebras in the varieties are investigated and their existence is proved under the assumptions of accessibility.

Free Term Algebras

Grzegorz Bancerek (2012)

Formalized Mathematics

We interoduce a new characterization of algebras of normal forms of term rewriting systems [35] as algerbras of term free in itself (any function from free generators into the algebra generates endomorphism of the algebra). Introduced algebras are free in classes of algebras satisfying some sets of equalities. Their universes are subsets of all terms and the denotations of operation symbols are partially identical with the operations of construction of terms. These algebras are compiler algebras...

Free trees and the optimal bound in Wehrung's theorem

Pavel Růžička (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that there is a distributive (∨,0,1)-semilattice of size ℵ₂ such that there is no weakly distributive (∨,0)-homomorphism from C o n c A to with 1 in its range, for any algebra A with either a congruence-compatible structure of a (∨,1)-semi-lattice or a congruence-compatible structure of a lattice. In particular, is not isomorphic to the (∨,0)-semilattice of compact congruences of any lattice. This improves Wehrung’s solution of Dilworth’s Congruence Lattice Problem, by giving the best cardinality...

Currently displaying 561 – 580 of 2115