Coherence in dual discriminator varieties
We study commutative directoids with a greatest element, which can be equipped with antitone bijections in every principal filter. These can be axiomatized as algebras with two binary operations satisfying four identities. A minimal subvariety of this variety is described.
In universal algebra, we oftentimes encounter varieties that are not especially well-behaved from any point of view, but are such that all their members have a “well-behaved core”, i.e. subalgebras or quotients with satisfactory properties. Of special interest is the case in which this “core” is a retract determined by an idempotent endomorphism that is uniformly term definable (through a unary term ) in every member of the given variety. Here, we try to give a unified account of this phenomenon....
We say that a variety of algebras has the Compact Intersection Property (CIP), if the family of compact congruences of every is closed under intersection. We investigate the congruence lattices of algebras in locally finite, congruence-distributive CIP varieties and obtain a complete characterization for several types of such varieties. It turns out that our description only depends on subdirectly irreducible algebras in and embeddings between them. We believe that the strategy used here can...
We present a countable infinite chain of conditions which are essentially weaker then congruence modularity (with exception of first two). For varieties of algebras, the third of these conditions, the so called 4-submodularity, is equivalent to congruence modularity. This is not true for single algebras in general. These conditions are characterized by Maltsev type conditions.
We deal with congruences on semilattices with section antitone involution which rise e.g., as implication reducts of Boolean algebras, MV-algebras or basic algebras and which are included among implication algebras, orthoimplication algebras etc. We characterize congruences by their kernels which coincide with semilattice filters satisfying certain natural conditions. We prove that these algebras are congruence distributive and 3-permutable.