Displaying 221 – 240 of 891

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Generalized deductive systems in subregular varieties

Ivan Chajda (2003)

Mathematica Bohemica

An algebra 𝒜 = ( A , F ) is subregular alias regular with respect to a unary term function g if for each Θ , Φ Con 𝒜 we have Θ = Φ whenever [ g ( a ) ] Θ = [ g ( a ) ] Φ for each a A . We borrow the concept of a deductive system from logic to modify it for subregular algebras. Using it we show that a subset C A is a class of some congruence on Θ containing g ( a ) if and only if C is this generalized deductive system. This method is efficient (needs a finite number of steps).

Generalizing substitution

Tarmo Uustalu (2003)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

It is well known that, given an endofunctor H on a category , the initial ( A + H - ) -algebras (if existing), i.e., the algebras of (wellfounded) H -terms over different variable supplies A , give rise to a monad with substitution as the extension operation (the free monad induced by the functor H ). Moss [17] and Aczel, Adámek, Milius and Velebil [2] have shown that a similar monad, which even enjoys the additional special property of having iterations for all guarded substitution rules (complete iterativeness),...

Generalizing Substitution

Tarmo Uustalu (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

It is well known that, given an endofunctor H on a category C , the initial (A+H-)-algebras (if existing), i.e. , the algebras of (wellfounded) H-terms over different variable supplies A, give rise to a monad with substitution as the extension operation (the free monad induced by the functor H). Moss [17] and Aczel, Adámek, Milius and Velebil [12] have shown that a similar monad, which even enjoys the additional special property of having iterations for all guarded substitution rules (complete...

Group conjugation has non-trivial LD-identities

Aleš Drápal, Tomáš Kepka, Michal Musílek (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that group conjugation generates a proper subvariety of left distributive idempotent groupoids. This subvariety coincides with the variety generated by all cancellative left distributive groupoids.

Homomorphic images of finite subdirectly irreducible unary algebras

Jaroslav Ježek, P. Marković, David Stanovský (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We prove that a finite unary algebra with at least two operation symbols is a homomorphic image of a (finite) subdirectly irreducible algebra if and only if the intersection of all its subalgebras which have at least two elements is nonempty.

How algebraic is algebra?

Adámek, Jiří, Lawvere, F.W., Rosický, Jiří (2001)

Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]

Hu's Primal Algebra Theorem revisited

Hans-Eberhard Porst (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

It is shown how Lawvere's one-to-one translation between Birkhoff's description of varieties and the categorical one (see [6]) turns Hu's theorem on varieties generated by a primal algebra (see [4], [5]) into a simple reformulation of the classical representation theorem of finite Boolean algebras as powerset algebras.

Hyperidentities in associative graph algebras

Tiang Poomsa-ard (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Graph algebras establish a connection between directed graphs without multiple edges and special universal algebras of type (2,0). We say that a graph G satisfies an identity s ≈ t if the correspondinggraph algebra A(G) satisfies s ≈ t. A graph G is called associative if the corresponding graph algebra A(G) satisfies the equation (xy)z ≈ x(yz). An identity s ≈ t of terms s and t of any type τ is called a hyperidentity of an algebra A̲ if whenever the operation symbols occurring in s and t are replaced...

Hyperidentities in many-sorted algebras

Klaus Denecke, Somsak Lekkoksung (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

The theory of hyperidentities generalizes the equational theory of universal algebras and is applicable in several fields of science, especially in computers sciences (see e.g. [2,1]). The main tool to study hyperidentities is the concept of a hypersubstitution. Hypersubstitutions of many-sorted algebras were studied in [3]. On the basis of hypersubstitutions one defines a pair of closure operators which turns out to be a conjugate pair. The theory of conjugate pairs of additive closure operators...

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 891