Displaying 161 – 180 of 891

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Directoid groups

Barry J. Gardner, Michael M. Parmenter (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We continue the study of directoid groups, directed abelian groups equipped with an extra binary operation which assigns an upper bound to each ordered pair subject to some natural restrictions. The class of all such structures can to some extent be viewed as an equationally defined substitute for the class of (2-torsion-free) directed abelian groups. We explore the relationship between the two associated categories, and some aspects of ideals of directoid groups.

Discriminator varieties of Boolean algebras with residuated operators

Peter Jipsen (1993)

Banach Center Publications

The theory of discriminator algebras and varieties has been investigated extensively, and provides us with a wealth of information and techniques applicable to specific examples of such algebras and varieties. Here we give several such examples for Boolean algebras with a residuated binary operator, abbreviated as r-algebras. More specifically, we show that all finite r-algebras, all integral r-algebras, all unital r-algebras with finitely many elements below the unit, and all commutative residuated...

Distributive differential modals

Karolina Ślusarska (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

A differential modal is an algebra with two binary operations such that one of the reducts is a differential groupoid and the other is a semilattice, and with the groupoid operation distributing over the semilattice operation. The aim of this paper is to show that the varieties of entropic and distributive differential modals coincide, and to describe the lattice of varieties of entropic differential modals.

Distributivity of lattices of binary relations

Ivan Chajda (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

We present a formal scheme which whenever satisfied by relations of a given relational lattice L containing only reflexive and transitive relations ensures distributivity of L .

Duality for some free modes

Krzysztof J. Pszczoła, Anna B. Romanowska, Jonathan D.H. Smith (2003)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

The paper establishes a duality between a category of free subreducts of affine spaces and a corresponding category of generalized hypercubes with constants. This duality yields many others, in particular a duality between the category of (finitely generated) free barycentric algebras (simplices of real affine spaces) and a corresponding category of hypercubes with constants.

Embedding properties of endomorphism semigroups

João Araújo, Friedrich Wehrung (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Denote by PSelf Ω (resp., Self Ω) the partial (resp., full) transformation monoid over a set Ω, and by Sub V (resp., End V) the collection of all subspaces (resp., endomorphisms) of a vector space V. We prove various results that imply the following: (1) If card Ω ≥ 2, then Self Ω has a semigroup embedding into the dual of Self Γ iff c a r d Γ 2 c a r d Ω . In particular, if Ω has at least two elements, then there exists no semigroup embedding from Self Ω into the dual of PSelf Ω. (2) If V is infinite-dimensional, then...

Equational bases for weak monounary varieties

Grzegorz Bińczak (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

It is well-known that every monounary variety of total algebras has one-element equational basis (see [5]). In my paper I prove that every monounary weak variety has at most 3-element equational basis. I give an example of monounary weak variety having 3-element equational basis, which has no 2-element equational basis.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 891