Displaying 121 – 140 of 444

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Expansions of binary recurrences in the additive base formed by the number of divisors of the factorial

Florian Luca, Augustine O. Munagi (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We note that every positive integer N has a representation as a sum of distinct members of the sequence d ( n ! ) n 1 , where d(m) is the number of divisors of m. When N is a member of a binary recurrence u = u n 1 satisfying some mild technical conditions, we show that the number of such summands tends to infinity with n at a rate of at least c₁logn/loglogn for some positive constant c₁. We also compute all the Fibonacci numbers of the form d(m!) and d(m₁!) + d(m₂)! for some positive integers m,m₁,m₂.

Explicit algebraic dependence formulae for infinite products related with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers

Hajime Kaneko, Takeshi Kurosawa, Yohei Tachiya, Taka-aki Tanaka (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

Let d ≥ 2 be an integer. In 2010, the second, third, and fourth authors gave necessary and sufficient conditions for the infinite products k = 1 U d k - a i ( 1 + ( a i ) / ( U d k ) ) (i=1,...,m) or k = 1 V d k - a i ( 1 + ( a i ) ( V d k ) (i=1,...,m) to be algebraically dependent, where a i are non-zero integers and U n and V n are generalized Fibonacci numbers and Lucas numbers, respectively. The purpose of this paper is to relax the condition on the non-zero integers a 1 , . . . , a m to non-zero real algebraic numbers, which gives new cases where the infinite products above are algebraically dependent....

Explicit formulas for the constituent matrices. Application to the matrix functions

R. Ben Taher, M. Rachidi (2015)

Special Matrices

We present a constructive procedure for establishing explicit formulas of the constituents matrices. Our approach is based on the tools and techniques from the theory of generalized Fibonacci sequences. Some connections with other results are supplied. Furthermore,we manage to provide tractable expressions for the matrix functions, and for illustration purposes we establish compact formulas for both the matrix logarithm and the matrix pth root. Some examples are also provided.

Fermat k -Fibonacci and k -Lucas numbers

Jhon J. Bravo, Jose L. Herrera (2020)

Mathematica Bohemica

Using the lower bound of linear forms in logarithms of Matveev and the theory of continued fractions by means of a variation of a result of Dujella and Pethő, we find all k -Fibonacci and k -Lucas numbers which are Fermat numbers. Some more general results are given.

FFF. Fibonacci: di Fiore in Fiore

Paulo Ribenboim (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In occasione della commemorazione dell’800-esimo anniversario della pubblicazione del Liber Abaci, desidero richiamare l’attenzione del lettore su alcuni dei fatti che preferisco riguardanti numeri di Fibonacci. Tali fatti includono la presenza di quadrati, di multipli di quadrati e di numeri potenti tra i numeri di Fibonacci, la rappresentazione di numeri reali e la costruzione di numeri trascendenti mediante numeri di Fibonacci, la possibilità di costruire una serie zeta ed un dominio a fattorizzazione...

Fibonacci numbers and Fermat's last theorem

Zhi-Wei Sun (1992)

Acta Arithmetica

Let Fₙ be the Fibonacci sequence defined by F₀=0, F₁=1, F n + 1 = F + F n - 1 ( n 1 ) . It is well known that F p - ( 5 / p ) 0 ( m o d p ) for any odd prime p, where (-) denotes the Legendre symbol. In 1960 D. D. Wall [13] asked whether p ² | F p - ( 5 / p ) is always impossible; up to now this is still open. In this paper the sum k r ( m o d 10 ) n k is expressed in terms of Fibonacci numbers. As applications we obtain a new formula for the Fibonacci quotient F p - ( 5 / p ) / p and a criterion for the relation p | F ( p - 1 ) / 4 (if p ≡ 1 (mod 4), where p ≠ 5 is an odd prime. We also prove that the affirmative answer to...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 444