Critères d'irréductibilite des polynômes composés à coefficients dans un corps fini
Let . We find explicit conditions on a and b that are necessary and sufficient for f to be a permutation polynomial of . This result allows us to solve a related problem: Let (n ≥ 0, ) be the polynomial defined by the functional equation . We determine all n of the form , α > β ≥ 0, for which is a permutation polynomial of .
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11T06, 13P10.A theorem of S.D. Cohen gives a characterization for Dickson polynomials of the second kind that permutes the elements of a finite field of cardinality the square of the characteristic. Here, a different proof is presented for this result.Research supported by the CERES program of the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, contract nr. 39/2002.
This paper aims at the study of the notions of periodic, UU and semiclean properties in various context of commutative rings such as trivial ring extensions, amalgamations and pullbacks. The results obtained provide new original classes of rings subject to various ring theoretic properties.