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Chebyshev polynomials and Pell equations over finite fields

Boaz Cohen (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We shall describe how to construct a fundamental solution for the Pell equation x 2 - m y 2 = 1 over finite fields of characteristic p 2 . Especially, a complete description of the structure of these fundamental solutions will be given using Chebyshev polynomials. Furthermore, we shall describe the structure of the solutions of the general Pell equation x 2 - m y 2 = n .

Construction of the mutually orthogonal extraordinary supersquares

Cristian Ghiu, Iulia Ghiu (2014)

Open Mathematics

Our purpose is to determine the complete set of mutually orthogonal squares of order d, which are not necessary Latin. In this article, we introduce the concept of supersquare of order d, which is defined with the help of its generating subgroup in 𝔽 d × 𝔽 d . We present a method of construction of the mutually orthogonal supersquares. Further, we investigate the orthogonality of extraordinary supersquares, a special family of squares, whose generating subgroups are extraordinary. The extraordinary subgroups...

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