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R C * -поля

Ю.Л. Ершов, Ju. L. Eršov, Ǔ. L. Eršov, Ju. L. Eršov (1994)

Algebra i Logika

Real commutative algebra. III. Dedekind-Weber-Riemann manifolds.

D. W. Dubois, A. Bukowski (1980)

Revista Matemática Hispanoamericana

The space S of all non-trivial real places on a real function field K|k of trascendence degree one, endowed with a natural topology analogous to that of Dedekind and Weber's Riemann surface, is shown to be a one-dimensional k-analytic manifold, which is homeomorphic with every bounded non-singular real affine model of K|k. The ground field k is an arbitrary ordered, real-closed Cantor field (definition below). The function field K|k is thereby represented as a field of real mappings of S which might...

Reduction of semialgebraic constructible functions

Ludwig Bröcker (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let R be a real closed field with a real valuation v. A ℤ-valued semialgebraic function on Rⁿ is called algebraic if it can be written as the sign of a symmetric bilinear form over R[X₁,. .., Xₙ]. We show that the reduction of such a function with respect to v is again algebraic on the residue field. This implies a corresponding result for limits of algebraic functions in definable families.

Relatively complete ordered fields without integer parts

Mojtaba Moniri, Jafar S. Eivazloo (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove a convenient equivalent criterion for monotone completeness of ordered fields of generalized power series [ [ F G ] ] with exponents in a totally ordered Abelian group G and coefficients in an ordered field F. This enables us to provide examples of such fields (monotone complete or otherwise) with or without integer parts, i.e. discrete subrings approximating each element within 1. We include a new and more straightforward proof that [ [ F G ] ] is always Scott complete. In contrast, the Puiseux series field...

Répartition modulo 1 dans un corps de séries formelles sur un corps fini

Mireille Car (1995)

Acta Arithmetica

Introduction. Soit q une puissance d’un nombre premier p et soit q le corps fini à q éléments. Une certaine analogie entre l’arithmétique de l’anneau ℤ des entiers rationnels et celle de l’anneau q [ T ] a conduit à étendre à q [ T ] de nombreuses questions de l’arithmétique classique. L’équirépartition modulo 1 est une de ces questions. Le corps des nombres réels est alors remplacé par le corps q ( ( T - 1 ) ) des séries de Laurent formelles, complété du corps q ( T ) des fractions rationnelles pour la valuation à l’infini et...

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