Technique de descente et théorèmes d'existence en géométrie algébriques. II. Le théorème d'existence en théorie formelle des modules
We give a simplification, in the case of Q-algebras, of the proof of Artin's Conjecture, which says that a regular morphism between Noetherian rings is the inductive limit of smooth morphisms of finite type.
The moduli space of rank- commutative algebras equipped with an ordered basis is an affine scheme of finite type over , with geometrically connected fibers. It is smooth if and only if . It is reducible if (and the converse holds, at least if we remove the fibers above and ). The relative dimension of is . The subscheme parameterizing étale algebras is isomorphic to , which is of dimension only . For , there exist algebras that are not limits of étale algebras. The dimension calculations...