Relations in the canonical algebras on surfaces
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14C20, 14E25, 14J26.The famous Nagata Conjecture predicts the lowest degree of a plane curve passing with prescribed multiplicities through given points in general position. We explain how this conjecture extends naturally via multiple point Seshadri constants to ample line bundles on arbitrary surfaces. We show that if there exist curves of unpredictable low degree, then they must have equal multiplicities in all but possibly one of the given points. We...
The rational homology groups of packing complexes are important in algebraic geometry since they control the syzygies of line bundles on projective embeddings of products of projective spaces (Segre–Veronese varieties). These complexes are a common generalization of the multidimensional chessboard complexes and of the matching complexes of complete uniform hypergraphs, whose study has been a topic of interest in combinatorial topology. We prove that the multivariate version of representation stability,...