Calcolo del conduttore di curve algebriche e ideali di punti
In this paper we characterize, in two different ways, the Newton polygons which are jacobian Newton polygons of a plane branch. These characterizations give in particular combinatorial criteria of irreducibility for complex series in two variables and necessary conditions which a complex curve has to satisfy in order to be the discriminant of a complex plane branch.
Alexander and Hirschowitz determined the Hilbert function of a generic union of fat points in a projective space when the number of fat points is much bigger than the greatest multiplicity of the fat points. Their method is based on a lemma which determines the limit of a linear system depending on fat points approaching a divisor.Other Hilbert functions were computed previously by Nagata. In connection with his counter-example to Hilbert’s fourteenth problem, Nagata determined the Hilbert function...
In a previous paper we showed that the existence of a 1-parameter symmetry group of a hypersurface X in projective space was equivalent to failure of versality of a certain unfolding. Here we study in detail (reduced) plane curves of degree d ≥ 3, excluding the trivial case of cones. We enumerate all possible group actions -these have to be either semisimple or unipotent- for any degree d. A 2-parameter group can only occur if d = 3. Explicit lists of singularities of the corresponding curves are...