Geometry of the theta divisor of a compactified jacobian
Let X be a smooth connected projective curve of genus g defined over R. Here we give bounds for the real gonality of X in terms of the complex gonality of X.
Here we study the deformation theory of some maps f: X → ℙr , r = 1, 2, where X is a nodal curve and f|T is not constant for every irreducible component T of X. For r = 1 we show that the “stratification by gonality” for any subset of [...] with fixed topological type behaves like the stratification by gonality of M g.
We consider the generic Green conjecture on syzygies of a canonical curve, and particularly the following reformulation thereof: For a smooth projective curve of genus in characteristic 0, the condition is equivalent to the fact that . We propose a new approach, which allows up to prove this result for generic curves of genus and gonality in the range