Scalar product of Dirichlet series and the distribution of integer points on toric varieties.
A monomial self-map on a complex toric variety is said to be -stable if the action induced on the -cohomology is compatible with iteration. We show that under suitable conditions on the eigenvalues of the matrix of exponents of , we can find a toric model with at worst quotient singularities where is -stable. If is replaced by an iterate one can find a -stable model as soon as the dynamical degrees of satisfy . On the other hand, we give examples of monomial maps , where this condition...
The rationality of a stably rational torus with a cyclic splitting field is proved.
Recently, T. Fukui and L. Paunescu introduced a weighted version of the -regularity condition and Kuo’s ratio test condition. In this approach, we consider the - regularity condition and -regularity related to a Newton filtration.