Some inequalities for sums of nonnegative definite matrices in quaternions.
Stępniak [Linear Algebra Appl. 151 (1991)] considered the problem of equivalence of the Löwner partial order of nonnegative definite matrices and the Löwner partial order of squares of those matrices. The paper was an important starting point for investigations of the problem of how an order between two matrices A and B from different sets of matrices can be preserved for the squares of the corresponding matrices A² and B², in the sense of the Löwner partial ordering, the star partial ordering,...
A copositive matrix A is said to be exceptional if it is not the sum of a positive semidefinite matrix and a nonnegative matrix. We show that with certain assumptions on A−1, especially on the diagonal entries, we can guarantee that a copositive matrix A is exceptional. We also show that the only 5-by-5 exceptional matrix with a hollow nonnegative inverse is the Horn matrix (up to positive diagonal congruence and permutation similarity).
We take as given a real symmetric matrix A, whose graph is a tree T, and the eigenvalues of A, with their multiplicities. Each edge of T may then be classified in one of four categories, based upon the change in multiplicity of a particular eigenvalue, when the edge is removed (i.e. the corresponding entry of A is replaced by 0).We show a necessary and suficient condition for each possible classification of an edge. A special relationship is observed among 2-Parter edges, Parter edges and singly...
In this paper we consider two versions of the Collatz-Wielandt quotient for a pair of nonnegative operators that map a given pointed generating cone in the first space into a given pointed generating cone in the second space. If the two spaces and two cones are identical, and is the identity operator, then one version of this quotient is the spectral radius of . In some applications, as commodity pricing, power control in wireless networks and quantum information theory, one needs to deal with...