Séries rationnelles à plusieurs variables non commutatives, Hadamard-inversibles
Let G be an abelian group and ◻ G its square subgroup as defined in the introduction. We show that the square subgroup of a non-homogeneous and indecomposable torsion-free group G of rank two is a pure subgroup of G and that G/◻ G is a nil group.
A -ring is strongly 2-nil--clean if every element in is the sum of two projections and a nilpotent that commute. Fundamental properties of such -rings are obtained. We prove that a -ring is strongly 2-nil--clean if and only if for all , is strongly nil--clean, if and only if for any there exists a -tripotent such that is nilpotent and , if and only if is a strongly -clean SN ring, if and only if is abelian, is nil and is -tripotent. Furthermore, we explore the structure...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16U60, 20C05.The structure of the unit group of the group algebra FD10 of the dihedral group D10 of order 10 over a finite field F has been obtained.Supported by National Board of Higher Mathematics, DAE, India.