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Relatively coarse sequential convergence

Roman Frič, Fabio Zanolin (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We generalize the notion of a coarse sequential convergence compatible with an algebraic structure to a coarse one in a given class of convergences. In particular, we investigate coarseness in the class of all compatible convergences (with unique limits) the restriction of which to a given subset is fixed. We characterize such convergences and study relative coarseness in connection with extensions and completions of groups and rings. E.g., we show that: (i) each relatively coarse dense group precompletion...

Rota-Baxter operators and Bernoulli polynomials

Vsevolod Gubarev (2021)

Communications in Mathematics

We develop the connection between Rota-Baxter operators arisen from algebra and mathematical physics and Bernoulli polynomials. We state that a trivial property of Rota-Baxter operators implies the symmetry of the power sum polynomials and Bernoulli polynomials. We show how Rota-Baxter operators equalities rewritten in terms of Bernoulli polynomials generate identities for the latter.

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