-frames and almost compact frames
In this paper the notion of a ternary semigroup of morphisms of objects in a category is introduced. The connection between an isomorphism of categories and an isomorphism of ternary semigroups of morphisms of suitable objects in these categories is considered. Finally, the results obtained for general categories are applied to the categories and which were studied in [5].
A category of Brauer diagrams, analogous to Turaev’s tangle category, is introduced, a presentation of the category is given, and full tensor functors are constructed from this category to the category of tensor representations of the orthogonal group O or the symplectic group Sp over any field of characteristic zero. The first and second fundamental theorems of invariant theory for these classical groups are generalised to the category theoretic setting. The major outcome is that we obtain presentations...
We introduce the abelian category R-gr of groupoid graded modules and give an answer to the following general question: If U: R-gr → R-mod denotes the functor which associates to any graded left R-module M the underlying ungraded structure U(M), when does either of the following two implications hold: (I) M has property X ⇒ U(M) has property X; (II) U(M) has property X ⇒ M has property X? We treat the cases when X is one of the properties: direct summand, free, finitely generated, finitely presented,...