Objets quasi-injectifs dans une catégorie abélienne avec générateur et limites inductives exactes
An -exact category is a pair consisting of an additive category and a class of sequences with terms satisfying certain axioms. We introduce -weakly idempotent complete categories. Then we prove that an additive -weakly idempotent complete category together with the class of all contractible sequences with terms is an -exact category. Some properties of the class are also discussed.
We prove that every additive category has a unique maximal exact structure in the sense of Quillen.
For an integer , we introduce a simultaneous generalization of -exact categories and -angulated categories, referred to as one-sided -suspended categories. Notably, one-sided -angulated categories are specific instances of this structure. We establish a framework for transitioning from these generalized categories to their -angulated counterparts. Additionally, we present a method for constructing -angulated quotient categories from Frobenius -prile categories. Our results unify and extend...