The Category of Differential Triads
The category of opetopes and the category of opetopic sets.
The Chinese remainder theorem and sheaf representations
The display locale of a cosheaf
The dual locale of a seminormed space
The internal and external aspect of logic and set theory in elementary topoi
The reflectiveness of covering morphisms in algebra and geometry.
The six operations for sheaves on Artin stacks II: Adic coefficients
The symplectic Gram-Schmidt theorem and fundamental geometries for -modules
Like the classical Gram-Schmidt theorem for symplectic vector spaces, the sheaf-theoretic version (in which the coefficient algebra sheaf is appropriately chosen) shows that symplectic -morphisms on free -modules of finite rank, defined on a topological space , induce canonical bases (Theorem 1.1), called symplectic bases. Moreover (Theorem 2.1), if is an -module (with respect to a -algebra sheaf without zero divisors) equipped with an orthosymmetric -morphism, we show, like in the classical...
Théories algébriques et extension de préfaisceaux
Topological properties of the real numbers object in a topos
Topological Space Objects in a Topos II: ...-Completeness and ...-Cocompleteness.
Torsion Theories in Non-Additive Categories.
Transformations of sheaf connections.