On Direct Summands of A-Separable R-Modules.
We extend a result of Rangaswamy about regularity of endomorphism rings of Abelian groups to arbitrary topological Abelian groups. Regularity of discrete quasi-injective modules over compact rings modulo radical is proved. A characterization of torsion LCA groups for which is regular is given.
Motivated by the paper by H. Herrlich, E. Tachtsis (2017) we investigate in ZFC the following compactness question: for which uncountable cardinals , an arbitrary nonempty system of homogeneous -linear equations is nontrivially solvable in provided that each of its subsystems of cardinality less than is nontrivially solvable in ?
It is a well-known fact that modules over a commutative ring in general cannot be classified, and it is also well-known that we have to impose severe restrictions on either the ring or on the class of modules to solve this problem. One of the restrictions on the modules comes from freeness assumptions which have been intensively studied in recent decades. Two interesting, distinct but typical examples are the papers by Blass [1] and Eklof [8], both jointly with Shelah. In the first case the authors...