On Differential Equations in lie Algebroids
We prove that the Wyler completion of the unitary Cauchy space on a given Hausdorff topological 5 monoid consisting of the underlying set of this monoid and of the family of unitary Cauchy filters on it, is a T2-topological space and, in the commutative case, an abstract monoid containing the initial one.
We investigate hereditarily normal topological groups and their subspaces. We prove that every compact subspace of a hereditarily normal topological group is metrizable. To prove this statement we first show that a hereditarily normal topological group with a non-trivial convergent sequence has -diagonal. This implies, in particular, that every countably compact subspace of a hereditarily normal topological group with a non-trivial convergent sequence is metrizable. Another corollary is that under...
Some geometric objects of higher order concerning extensions, semi-sprays, connections and Lagrange metrics are constructed using an anchored vector bundle.