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Sommes vectorielles d'ensembles de mesure nulle

Michel Talagrand (1976)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit G un groupe localement compact abélien ou un groupe de Lie et A un compact parfait de G . Il existe alors un compact B de mesure de Haar nulle tel que A B = { a b ; a A , b B } soit d’intérieur non vide. En particulier si G est métrisable, les seuls ensembles analytiques tels que A B soit de mesure nulle dès que B l’est, sont dénombrables.

The dual group of a dense subgroup

William Wistar Comfort, S. U. Raczkowski, F. Javier Trigos-Arrieta (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Throughout this abstract, G is a topological Abelian group and G ^ is the space of continuous homomorphisms from G into the circle group 𝕋 in the compact-open topology. A dense subgroup D of G is said to determine G if the (necessarily continuous) surjective isomorphism G ^ D ^ given by h h | D is a homeomorphism, and G is determined if each dense subgroup of G determines G . The principal result in this area, obtained independently by L. Außenhofer and M. J. Chasco, is the following: Every metrizable group is...

The existence of initially ω 1 -compact group topologies on free Abelian groups is independent of ZFC

Artur Hideyuki Tomita (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

It was known that free Abelian groups do not admit a Hausdorff compact group topology. Tkachenko showed in 1990 that, under CH, a free Abelian group of size admits a Hausdorff countably compact group topology. We show that no Hausdorff group topology on a free Abelian group makes its ω -th power countably compact. In particular, a free Abelian group does not admit a Hausdorff p -compact nor a sequentially compact group topology. Under CH, we show that a free Abelian group does not admit a Hausdorff...

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