Displaying 101 – 120 of 137

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Sommes de Riesz et multiplicateurs sur un groupe de Lie compact

Jean-Louis Clerc (1974)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On étudie diverses convergences des sommes de Riesz des fonctions de puissance pième sommable sur un groupe de Lie compact. On montre que n - 1 2 , où n est la dimension du groupe, est un indice critique pour la classe L 1 . On donne également un théorème de multiplicateurs qui redonne le résultat classique de Marcinkiewicz pour le tore. On établit enfin un lien entre les multiplicateurs des groupes de Lie compacts et certains multiplicateurs de R n .

Stable rank and real rank of compact transformation group C*-algebras

Robert J. Archbold, Eberhard Kaniuth (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let (G,X) be a transformation group, where X is a locally compact Hausdorff space and G is a compact group. We investigate the stable rank and the real rank of the transformation group C*-algebra C₀(X)⋊ G. Explicit formulae are given in the case where X and G are second countable and X is locally of finite G-orbit type. As a consequence, we calculate the ranks of the group C*-algebra C*(ℝⁿ ⋊ G), where G is a connected closed subgroup of SO(n) acting on ℝⁿ by rotation.

The dual group of a dense subgroup

William Wistar Comfort, S. U. Raczkowski, F. Javier Trigos-Arrieta (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Throughout this abstract, G is a topological Abelian group and G ^ is the space of continuous homomorphisms from G into the circle group 𝕋 in the compact-open topology. A dense subgroup D of G is said to determine G if the (necessarily continuous) surjective isomorphism G ^ D ^ given by h h | D is a homeomorphism, and G is determined if each dense subgroup of G determines G . The principal result in this area, obtained independently by L. Außenhofer and M. J. Chasco, is the following: Every metrizable group is...

The dual space of precompact groups

M. Ferrer, S. Hernández, V. Uspenskij (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For any topological group G the dual object G ^ is defined as the set of equivalence classes of irreducible unitary representations of G equipped with the Fell topology. If G is compact, G ^ is discrete. In an earlier paper we proved that G ^ is discrete for every metrizable precompact group, i.e. a dense subgroup of a compact metrizable group. We generalize this result to the case when G is an almost metrizable precompact group.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 137