Folner's Condition for Exponentially Bounded Groups.
MSC 2010: 30C60A more general version of Hilbert's fifth problem, called the Hilbert-Smith conjecture, asserts that among all locally compact topological groups only Lie groups can act effectively on finite-dimensional manifolds. We give a solution of the Hilbert-Smith Conjecture for K - quasiconformal groups acting on domains in the extended n - dimensional Euclidean space.
In this paper, we extend some results of D. Dolzan on finite rings to profinite rings, a complete classification of profinite commutative rings with a monothetic group of units is given. We also prove the metrizability of commutative profinite rings with monothetic group of units and without nonzero Boolean ideals. Using a property of Mersenne numbers, we construct a family of power commutative non-isomorphic profinite semiprimitive rings with monothetic group of units.
Let G be a locally compact, non-compact group and f a function defined on G; we prove that, if f is uniformly continuous with respect to the left (right) structure on G and with a power integrable with respect to the left (right) Haar measure on G, then f must vanish at infinity. We prove that left and right cannot be mixed.