Ideal Theory in Group Algebras of Locally Compact Groups. Horst Leptin (1976) Inventiones mathematicae
Ideale mit beschränkter approximativer Eins in Gruppenalgebren von Moore-Gruppen. Wilfried Hauenschild, E. Kaniuth (1979) Manuscripta mathematica
Ideals in Group Algebras of Finitely Generated FC-Nilpotent Discrete Groups. Eberhard Kaniuth (1980) Mathematische Annalen
Interpolation linéaire et équations fonctionnelles J. G. Dhombres (1976) Annales Polonici Mathematici
Intertwining operators over L1 (G) for G ? [PG] ? [SIN]. Volker Runde (1996) Mathematische Zeitschrift
Introduction to the theory of group representations Stephen Gelbart (1971/1973) Séminaire Choquet. Initiation à l'analyse
Invariant subsets of nonsynthesis Leptin algebras and nonsymmetry A. Hulanicki (1980) Colloquium Mathematicae