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Inductive extreme non-Arens regularity of the Fourier algebra A(G)

Zhiguo Hu (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Let G be a non-discrete locally compact group, A(G) the Fourier algebra of G, VN(G) the von Neumann algebra generated by the left regular representation of G which is identified with A(G)*, and WAP(Ĝ) the space of all weakly almost periodic functionals on A(G). We show that there exists a directed family ℋ of open subgroups of G such that: (1) for each H ∈ ℋ, A(H) is extremely non-Arens regular; (2) V N ( G ) = H V N ( H ) and V N ( G ) / W A P ( G ̂ ) = H [ V N ( H ) / W A P ( H ̂ ) ] ; (3) A ( G ) = H A ( H ) and it is a WAP-strong inductive union in the sense that the unions in (2) are strongly...

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