A method for constructing orthonormal bases for non-archimedean Banach spaces of continuous functions
Introduction. Recently J. Rutkowski (see [3]) has defined the p-adic analogue of the Walsh system, which we shall denote by . The system is defined in the space C(ℤₚ,ℂₚ) of ℂₚ-valued continuous functions on ℤₚ. J. Rutkowski has also considered some questions concerning expansions of functions from C(ℤₚ,ℂₚ) with respect to . This paper is a remark to Rutkowski’s paper. We define another system in C(ℤₚ,ℂₚ), investigate its properties and compare it to the system defined by Rutkowski. The system...
We study dynamical systems in the non-Archimedean number fields (i.e. fields with non-Archimedean valuation). The main results are obtained for the fields of p-adic numbers and complex p-adic numbers. Already the simplest p-adic dynamical systems have a very rich structure. There exist attractors, Siegel disks and cycles. There also appear new structures such as fuzzy cycles. A prime number p plays the role of parameter of a dynamical system. The behavior of the iterations depends on this parameter...
A detailed study of power series on the Levi-Civita fields is presented. After reviewing two types of convergence on those fields, including convergence criteria for power series, we study some analytical properties of power series. We show that within their domain of convergence, power series are infinitely often differentiable and re-expandable around any point within the radius of convergence from the origin. Then we study a large class of functions that are given locally by power series and...