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On Ordinary and Standard Lebesgue Measures on

Gogi Pantsulaia (2009)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

New concepts of Lebesgue measure on are proposed and some of their realizations in the ZFC theory are given. Also, it is shown that Baker’s both measures [1], [2], Mankiewicz and Preiss-Tišer generators [6] and the measure of [4] are not α-standard Lebesgue measures on for α = (1,1,...).

Product Pre-Measure

Noboru Endou (2016)

Formalized Mathematics

In this article we formalize in Mizar [5] product pre-measure on product sets of measurable sets. Although there are some approaches to construct product measure [22], [6], [9], [21], [25], we start it from σ-measure because existence of σ-measure on any semialgebras has been proved in [15]. In this approach, we use some theorems for integrals.

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