Measurable multifunctions and their applications to convex integral functionals.
Measurable Selection Theorems for Optimization Problems.
Measure-additive coverings and measurable selectors [Book]
Measures on bundles and Trundles of measures
Measures vectorielies, measures cylindriques et propriété de Radon-Nikodym
Measures with finite semi-variation.
Medidas y probabilidades en estructuras ordenadas.
This paper is concerned with lattice-group valued measures for which the sygma-additivity is defined by means of the order convergence properties. In the first section we treat the analogues for such order-measures with values in a Dedekind complete lattice-group of the Jordan, Lebesgue and Yosida-Hewitt descompositions. The second section deals with the construction of an integral for functions with respect to an order-measure, both taking their values in a Dedekind sygma-complete lattice-ring....
Mesures de Radon à valeurs vectorielles
Mesures -adiques à densité
Mesures vectorielles dans les espaces réticulés
Mesures vectorielles et partitions continues de l'unité
Metric properties of positively ordered monoids.
Midpoint convex functions majorized by midpoint concave functions.
Midpoint convex functions majorized by midpoint concave functions. (Short Communication).
Mixtures of nonatomic measures. III
Modular functions on multilattices
We prove that every modular function on a multilattice with values in a topological Abelian group generates a uniformity on which makes the multilattice operations uniformly continuous with respect to the exponential uniformity on the power set of .
Moments of vector measures and Pettis integrable functions
Conditions, under which the elements of a locally convex vector space are the moments of a regular vector-valued measure and of a Pettis integrable function, both with values in a locally convex vector space, are investigated.
Monoidwertige Integrale
Monotone approximation of measurable multifunctions by simple multifunctions
We investigate the problem of approximation of measurable multifunctions by monotone sequences of measurable simple ones. Our main tool is the Marczewski function, i.e., the characteristic function of a sequence of sets.