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On - associated comonotone functions

Ondrej Hutník, Jozef Pócs (2018)


We give a positive answer to two open problems stated by Boczek and Kaluszka in their paper [1]. The first one deals with an algebraic characterization of comonotonicity. We show that the class of binary operations solving this problem contains any strictly monotone right-continuous operation. More precisely, the comonotonicity of functions is equivalent not only to + -associatedness of functions (as proved by Boczek and Kaluszka), but also to their -associatedness with being an arbitrary strictly...

On asymptotic behaviour of universal fuzzy measures

Ladislav Mišík, János T. Tóth (2006)


The asymptotic behaviour of universal fuzzy measures is investigated in the present paper. For each universal fuzzy measure a class of fuzzy measures preserving some natural properties is defined by means of convergence with respect to ultrafilters.

On nearly radial marginals of high-dimensional probability measures

Bo'az Klartag (2010)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Suppose that μ is an absolutely continuous probability measure on R n, for large n . Then μ has low-dimensional marginals that are approximately spherically-symmetric. More precisely, if n ( C / ε ) C d , then there exist d -dimensional marginals of μ that are ε -far from being sphericallysymmetric, in an appropriate sense. Here C > 0 is a universal constant.

On possibilistic marginal problem

Jiřina Vejnarová (2007)


A possibilistic marginal problem is introduced in a way analogous to probabilistic framework, to address the question of whether or not a common extension exists for a given set of marginal distributions. Similarities and differences between possibilistic and probabilistic marginal problems will be demonstrated, concerning necessary condition and sets of all solutions. The operators of composition will be recalled and we will show how to use them for finding a T -product extension. Finally, a necessary...

On some contributions to quantum structures by fuzzy sets

Beloslav Riečan (2007)


It is well known that the fuzzy sets theory can be successfully used in quantum models ([5, 26]). In this paper we give first a review of recent development in the probability theory on tribes and their generalizations – multivalued (MV)-algebras. Secondly we show some applications of the described method to develop probability theory on IF-events.

On some properties of squares of Sierpiński sets

Andrzej Nowik (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We investigate some geometrical properties of squares of special Sierpiński sets. In particular, we prove that (under CH) there exists a Sierpiński set S and a function p: S → S such that the images of the graph of this function under π'(⟨x,y⟩) = x - y and π''(⟨x,y⟩) = x + y are both Lusin sets.

On the extension of D -poset valued measures

Beloslav Riečan (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A variant of Alexandrov theorem is proved stating that a compact, subadditive D -poset valued mapping is continuous. Then the measure extension theorem is proved for MV-algebra valued measures.

On the extension of measures.

Baltasar Rodríguez-Salinas (2001)


We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a totally ordered by extension family (Ω, Σx, μx)x ∈ X of spaces of probability to have a measure μ which is an extension of all the measures μx. As an application we study when a probability measure on Ω has an extension defined on all the subsets of Ω.

On the g -entropy and its Hudetz correction

Beloslav Riečan (2002)


The Hudetz correction of the fuzzy entropy is applied to the g -entropy. The new invariant is expressed by the Hudetz correction of fuzzy entropy.

On the Minkowski-Hölder type inequalities for generalized Sugeno integrals with an application

Michał Boczek, Marek Kaluszka (2016)


In this paper, we use a new method to obtain the necessary and sufficient condition guaranteeing the validity of the Minkowski-Hölder type inequality for the generalized upper Sugeno integral in the case of functions belonging to a wider class than the comonotone functions. As a by-product, we show that the Minkowski type inequality for seminormed fuzzy integral presented by Daraby and Ghadimi [11] is not true. Next, we study the Minkowski-Hölder inequality for the lower Sugeno integral and the...

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