Nonremovable Cantor sets for bounded quasiregular mappings.
We give a quasiconformal version of the proof for the classical Lindelöf theorem: Let f map the unit disk D conformally onto the inner domain of a Jordan curve C. Then C is smooth if and only if arh f'(z) has a continuous extension to D. Our proof does not use the Poisson integral representation of harmonic functions in the unit disk.
It is shown that the approximate continuity of the dilatation matrix of a quasiregular mapping f at implies the local injectivity and the asymptotic linearity of f at . Sufficient conditions for to behave asymptotically as are given. Some global injectivity results are derived.
We construct bounded domains D not equal to a ball in n ≥ 3 dimensional Euclidean space, Rn, for which ∂D is homeomorphic to a sphere under a quasiconformal mapping of Rn and such that n - 1 dimensional Hausdorff measure equals harmonic measure on ∂D.
In this article we study the Ahlfors regular conformal gauge of a compact metric space , and its conformal dimension . Using a sequence of finite coverings of , we construct distances in its Ahlfors regular conformal gauge of controlled Hausdorff dimension. We obtain in this way a combinatorial description, up to bi-Lipschitz homeomorphisms, of all the metrics in the gauge. We show how to compute using the critical exponent associated to the combinatorial modulus.
The authors construct a periodic quasiregular function of any finite order p, 1 < p < infinity. This completes earlier work of O. Martio and U. Srebro.