On the capacity of a plane condenser and conformal mapping.
In this paper we survey some recent results in connection with the so called Painlevé's problem and the semiadditivity of analytic capacity γ. In particular, we give the detailed proof of the semiadditivity of the capacity γ+, and we show almost completely all the arguments for the proof of the comparability between γ and γ+.
The authors construct a periodic quasiregular function of any finite order p, 1 < p < infinity. This completes earlier work of O. Martio and U. Srebro.
A well known result of Beurling asserts that if f is a function which is analytic in the unit disc and if either f is univalent or f has a finite Dirichlet integral then the set of points for which the radial variation is infinite is a set of logarithmic capacity zero. In this paper we prove that this result is sharp in a very strong sense. Also, we prove that if f is as above then the set of points such that as r → 1 is a set of logarithmic capacity zero. In particular, our results give...
The main motivation for this work comes from the century-old Painlevé problem: try to characterize geometrically removable sets for bounded analytic functions in C.